British Shepetovkas Sta,—the Article " Shepetovka " In...
of February 25th gives a vivid picture of the backwardne;s of a Ukrainian village in 1909. In one important matter, however, the condition of rural Britain in 1944 is not one......
The Substance Of Soil
SIR,—I should like very briefly to reply to Mr. A. H. Brown's letter in your issue of March loth in which he quotes figures from his farm on Hayling Island which he considers......
Youth And The New Order Snt,—i Do Not Think Lady
Lothian yet grasps the problem of the future in its vastness and essential unity. Everybody agrees that the world must be born anew. The human spirit must take to the air again.......
Soldiers' Pay Sta,—i Notice In Your Issue Of March Toth
that you say it would cost £4,600 million to raise the pay of British soldiers to the American level, &c. Are you sure this figure is correct? If, as I strongly suspect, it is......
A Special Plea Is Being Made To The Ministry Of
Agriculture to revok the Rook Order, published in 1940. That order condemned the root and branch, supporting a common superstition. Now a g Hungarian farmer and ornithologist, a......