17 MARCH 1950, Page 27


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1. Not tc be confused with

on the Dole." (4, 2, 8.) 8. These welcome occasions come too infrequently for most people. (3, 4.) 10. One can go miles to get here. (7.) 11. Broken by the first. (4.) 12. King who might have had some interest in inflation. (5.) 13. It follows the nestless bird and so makes an arum. (4.) 17. Might one here expect to face a Midge of shapely feet ? (5, 2, 6.) 19. Tossing the caber seems to have something in common with this dance. (8, 5.)

22. " A maiden - that sparkles on a sty " (Tennyson). (4.) 23. They are concealed by the undis- ciplined Apaches of today. (5.) 25. A penny from Hamlet (4.)

28. A change of gear, after all. (7.) 29. From whom Mr. Anson may show himself to have been sprung. (7.) 30. Noble version of the flower of 13. (5, 3, 6.)


2. Torch recently brought from afar.

3. He is looking up in church. (4.)

4. She gave a name to Daniel's a insets.

5. Immemorial trees of poetry. (4.) 6. " Allah created the - mad " (Kipling). (7.)

7. Little sister goes both ways. (3.)

8. He who is proverbially robbed for payment seems to be a fraud. (9.) 9. This mother was a Yorkshire prophetess. (7.) 14. How insipid slate sets may be. (9.) " Love 15. " Hyperion's -; the front of Jove himself " (Shakespeare). (5.) 16. This beast sounds a suitable one for a. beer-house sign (5.) 18. Bashful age of Rugby. (7.) 20. A vehicle, perhaps, from John Jarndyce's library. (7.) 21. Teutonic fifth letter has some bear- ing on the matter. (7.) 24. Albert on tic watch. (5.)

26. " I can Frock melancholy out c. a song, As a weasel sucks - (Shakespeare). (4.)

27. Where was fancy, it was asked at Belmont. (4.) 28. 4 turns tail. (3.)