Tied Cottages
SIR.—I was puzzled by Mr. Alan E. Thompson's reference to tied cot- tages in his article, Confessions of a Candidate. Does the law in Scotland differ so widely from that of......
Sir,—there Have Appeared In Your Columns Frequent Letters...
inefficiencies of the G.P.O. Not one of these complaints, so far as I can remember, has called forth an official reply, explanation or apology, although quite a number of the......
Country Life
IT is often—and accurately—forecast that fogs will prevail especially near large towns ; and, of course, the " London particular " has been long notorious. The reason doubtless......
Local Elms
In a very pleasant and dainty book of poems, Flowers of Fancy (by that ardent botanist, George Montagu, Earl of Sandwich), there is an address to " Huntingdonshire Elms." Now in......
Sleepy Victims
When the various creatures emerge from their long winter sleep they seem sometimes to be only half awake. I watched, for example, a newly awakened hedgehog, a very large one,......
Russian Naval History
SIR, —A glance at " Dahl " should have shown Miss Mitchell that no word chuka exists in the Russian language. Shchuka, on the other hand, means " Pike," just as Lin stands for......
Sin,—it Depends How Defective The Address Is. Apparently...
so the better, so to speak. The other day I received from Paris a letter addressed simply, " Monsieur le major Simnett, Londres 1'! It reached me practically without delay, but......
Sea-birds And Oil
Sut,—In the Spectator of March 3rd Sir William Beach Thomas says: " To clean a bird of oil is difficult but it can be done with success." It would be interesting to know the......
Protecting The Kite
At one time I used to lament that the west of Britain cared much less for its natural history than the east. Perhaps Norfolk, with its Naturalists' Trust, still stands supreme,......
In The Garden
Flowers have their fashions ; and In the lead is likely to be the camellia, which had been quite neglected. The R.H.S. are enhancing the new vogue with great vigour. On March......