17 MAY 1845, Page 19


On the 6th May, at Shirley House, Hants, the Lady of G. P. Leyoester, Eel.. Bengal Civil Service, of a daughter.

On the 7th, In Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, Lady Dalrymple Ferguson, of a son. On the 10th, at Lea Hall, Lincolnshire, the wife of Charles Anderson. Esq.' of a son. On the 10th, at the Parsonage, the wife of the Rev. Thomas James Itowsell, M.A., Incumbent of St. Peter's, Stepney, of a daughter. On the 11th, in Upper Fitzwilllam Street, Dublin, the Hon. Mrs. John Plunket, twin sons.

On the 13th, at Weldon Rectory, the Lady Louisa Finch 'Lefton, of a daughter.


On the 6th May, at Longnor, the Rev. John Limerick. of Crewe, to Emma, youagist daughter of the late Archdeacon Corbett, of Languor Hail, Shropshire.

On the 10th, at St. Anne's Church, Dublin, the Rev. Robert Mann, of Saxmondham. to Harriet, the fifth daughter of the Right Hon. Sir Edward Sugden.

On the 10th, at All Saints Church, Leamington, George Telxera Dalrymple, third eon of Sir Charles Dalrymple, of Brighton, to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late Matthew Salmon Kent, M.D.

On the 12th, Christopher Cookson, Esq., son of the late Colonel Cookson, of Neesham Hall, Durham, to Julia Charlotte, second daughter of Charles Heaton Ellis, Esq., of Harley Street, and Wyddlal Gall, Herts.

At Sydney, Robert Shadforth, Esq., son of Colonel Sbadforth, to Marianne Feting, third daughter of Captain lloilinworth,

Lately, at Demerara, Edmund Hayter Bingham, Esq., Her Majesty's First West In- dia Regiment, youngest son of the late Colonel Charles Cox Bingham, Royal Artillery, to Cecilia Lewis Pauline, third daughter of William Berne Wolseley, Esq.


On the 22d April, at Malta, Charlotte Anne, youngest daughter of the late Majcs% General the Hon. Vero Poulett.

On the 30th, In Fore Street, Hertford, Mr. Thomas F. Luppino, formerly a Beene- painter at the Italian Opera and at the other Theatres Royal ; in his 96th year.

On the 5th May, In Pterrepoot Place, Bath, Mrs. Margaret Wood ; in her 91st year.

On the 6th, at the Cliff, Scarborough, John Tindall Esq.' banker, one of her Majesty'sMajesty's- Deputy-Lieutenants and a Justice of the Peace for the North Riding of Yorkshire ; Ili Me 57th year.

On the 7th, in Redmoor Fen, Isle of Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Plaisance, at the extraordinary ages of 107 and 105.

On the 8th, at Hill House, Langport, Vincent Stuckey, Esq., Deputy-Lieutenant fbf Somerset ; In his 75th year. On the 8th, at Beaminster, Lady Emily Steele, Relict of the late Colonel Sir Robert Steele, Knight, and K.C.S.

On the 9th, at Martsford, Suffolk, William Shouldam, Esq. ; in his 1024 year.

On the 10th, at the residence of his sou, near Gloucester, Robert Bmnsby Connie, Esq., formerly M.P. for Gloucester; in his 84th year.

On the 12th, at Castle Freke, Ross Carbery, county of Cork, Lord Carbery.

On the 12th, In Alpha Place, St. John's Wood, the Rev. George Moultrie, Vieartite forty-five years of Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire ; in his 74th year.

On the 13th, at St. Andrew's, the Reverend Dr. Cook.

On the 13th, at Horton, Mrs. Deborah Garrett ; In her 90th year.

Lately, at Salem, Madras Presidency, Emelia, second daughter of Captain Mordoek, • late of the H.C.S. ; and on the same day, on detachment, near Denver, of cholera, Lieutenant John Mortlock, of the Thirty-fifth Regiment Native Infantry, son of the above Captain Mortlock.