In France, M. Guizot Is Better, And The...
passed. It contains a clause, however, providing that the arms and ammunition shall be stored at Bourges, except in time of actual war ; so that there will be some opportunity......
Wbe Afittropolts.
The Free-trade Bazaar was opened at the shilling rate of admission on Tuesday, when 8,500 or 9,000 were ascertained to have passed throw h. The exhibition of wares is......
'litt Qourt.
Tim Queen and Prince Albert have been rusticating in the Isle of Wight. tier Majesty and the Prince were visited by the Dutchess of Kent on Saturday morn- ing; and just before......
Drbatts Antr 11km:to:dugs In Iparlianunt
REFORM OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. The House of Commons having reassembled after the Whitsuntide holydays on Thursday, Mr. WAHLEY made this motion- " That a Select......
There Is A Budget Of News From America ; The
whole of rather a pacific tendency, so far as this country is concerned. The papers of the United States are some warlike and some pacific ; but even the silence of the......