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Tim Queen and Prince Albert have been rusticating in the Isle of Wight. tier Majesty and the Prince were visited by the Dutchess of Kent on Saturday morn- ing; and just before two o'clock they set out from Buckingham Palace. They were accompanied by the Prince of Leinnigen, and by the Princeof Wales and the Prin- cess Royal; and a small suite were in attendance. The party travelled by the South- western Railway. At Portsmouth, the usual honours were paid by Sir Hercules Pakenh.sm and the other military and naval authorities of the station. The tra- vellers reached Osborne House by half-past five o'clock. The Dean of Westminster arrived on Saturday evening, and remained till Monday. The opportunities of the country residence were duly improved by the Royal party in walks and drives. They all returned to Buckingham Palace, as they went, on Thursday; arriving at half-past six o'clock.
In the absence of the parents, the Dutchess of Kent visited the Princess.Alice and Prince Alfred on Sunday and Tuesday. Her Royal Highness, with the Dutchess of Cambridge and the Hereditary Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg- Strelitz, visited the Queen yesterday. The Dutchess of Kent gave a soirée dansante, at Clarence House, on the evening of yesterday week. The. Dutchess had an evening party and concert last night: the Queen, Prince Albert, the Prince of Leiningen, most members of the Royal family in town, and a number of distinguished persons, were present. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grind Dutcbess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the Dowager Dutchess of Baden, and the Mar- chioness of Douglas, went to the Royal Academy of Arts on Sur:day; and the
President, Sir Martin Archer Shee, conducted them round the exhibition. . The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and the Hereditary Grand Duke and Dutcbess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, dined with the Duke and Dutcbess of Montrose, on Monday; partook of a dejeuner with the Dowager Countess of Listowell,'on Tuesday; and all, except the Duke of Cambridge, who had gone for a day to Sandhurst, dined with the Duke and Dutchess of Beaufort on 'Thursday.
The Marquis and Marchioness of Douglas gave a dtenner on Wednesday; at which the Dateless of Kent, the Dowager Dutchess of Baden, and a select pasty, were present.
There has been a numerous round of visits between thelloyal residents in town. The Dowager Dutchess of Baden left town yesterday, to visit the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury, at Alton Towers, in Staffordshire. Prince Ernest of Hesse-Philippsthal took leave of the Royal Family on Friday; and on Saturday his Serene Highness left Christie's Hotel, in St. James's Street, for the Continent.