Tuesday, May 13.
raxxtrestantra DVMOLYED. Chapman and Dean, Liverpool, hoop-benders—WhitwerUt and Idghtbovra, Black- burn, cheesemongers—Hancock and Co. Bath, brushmakers—Worthingtoo and Vince, Lancaster, wine-merchants—G. and G. N. Strawbridge, Bristol, masons—Sinn and Co. Salford, lineudropers--Hallum and Son, Stockport, cotton candle-wick-manufacturer* —Mama and Co. commtsaion-merchants; as far as regards J. B. Moans—Taylor and Co. Manchester, Ilnenmerchants. sattiatrrrs.
Barn, Jossmi Yousu, Cardiff. grocer, to surrender May 27, June 24: solicitor, Mr. Leonard, Bristol , dada/ assignee, Mr. Miller, BristoL
Basis, Joint. Winchester Place. Pentenville. copper-plate-dealer, May 20, Julie La t solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Flews, Bucklembury ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. Reenaxe, join" BigooKja. Kidderminster, mercer, May 23, June 24: solicitor; Messrs. Boycott and Lucy, Kidderminster ; Mt. Reece, Birmingham ; official amalgams Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. Devise, WILLIAM, Liverpool, raWmelier' May 20, June 17 : solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Slater and Hears, Manchester ; Mr. Hors, Liverpool ; official aasignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
Jona WALKER, Lawrence Lane, Cheapalde, cloth-merchant, May 22, June 24 : solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and Edwards, Ely Place, Holborn ' • Messrs. Bettye and Clay, Huddersfield ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
FueravAL, JOHN, Kettering, corn-dealer, May 23, June 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Car- dales and Iliffe, Bedford Row ; Mr. Garrard, Kettering ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basingliall Street.
MALPAS, HENRY, Bath, victualler, May 30, June 23: solicitors, Mr. Raven, Temple ; Mr. Drewe, Bath ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
SEAGES, THOMAS, Hammersmith, leather-cutler, May 23, June 20: solicitors, Mr• Hepburn, Throgmorton Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
SIMPSON, JOHN, Talentire, Cumberland, shipowner, May 27, June 2 : solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Caisson, Great James Street ; Mr. Cram, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
S'ruaLsv, Meat, Southern, Warwickshire„ organ-builder, June 2, July 2: solicitors, Mr. Weller, King's Road ; Mr. Pell, Northampton ; Mr. Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham.
WEBS, WILLIAM HENRY, Stratford-upon-Avon, wharfinger, May 27, June 24 : solici- tors, Messrs. Hobbes and Slater, Stratford-upon-Avon; Messrs. Harrison and Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
June 6, James, River Street, Myddleton Square, bulider-June 6, Hopkins and Drewitt, Arundel, bankers-June 6, Cox, Hendon, horse-dealer-Jane 3, Slade senior. Poole, Newfoundland merchant-June 3, Attwater, Devonshire Street, Queen Square, dyer-June 6, Dollinan, Church Court, Clement's Lane, merchant-June 4, Todman, Gray's Inn Lane, victueller-June 6, Blythe, Colchester, porter-merchant-June 6, Chandler, Minories, chemist-June 6, Herbert, Reading, tea-dealer-June 6, Blunden, Alton, plumber-June 5, Oxborrow, Stockport, pawnbroker-June 5, Peters, Godstone, innkeeper-June 6, Woolcott, Brownlow Mews, Gray's Inn Lane, builder-June 4, Handyman, Love Lane, Eastcheap, merchant-June 4, Acraman, Bristol, merchant- June 9, Thomas, Wem, grocer-June 6, Storey and GM, Liverpool, ship-chandlers- June 3, C., A., and J. Potts, Monkwearmouth Shore, ship-builders-June 4, Hall, Clay- path, Durham, grocer-June 4, Spencer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, scrivener-June 4, A. and F. Atkinson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, colour-manufacturers.
To be granted, usaleu cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
June 5, Cann, Woolwich, bootmaker-June 5, Sweeny, Chester Place, Hyde Park Square, apothecary-June 5, Hurd, Rochester, dealer in china-June 5, H. and W. Kimber, Water Lane, Tower Street, wine-merchants-June 5, Clegg, Deptford, coal- merchant-June 5, Bumpatead, Halesworth, Suffolk, grocer-June 4, Todman, Gray's Inn Lane, victualler-June 4, Barron, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, builder-June 6, Chrisp, Great Tower Street, wine-broker-June 6, L. J. B. and L. 0. B. Vaudeau, Wood Street, dealers in artificial fiowers-June 5, Morton, Eastcheap, fishmonger- June 5, A. and A. Radcliffe, Hermitage Place, St. John's Street Road, glazier's dia- mond manufacturers-June 3, Flintoff, Plymouth, bookseller-June 4, Dickinson, South Portman Mews, Portman Square, farrier-June 6, Green, Brighton, apothecary-June 6, Fuiljames, Bath, auctioneer-June 3, Hall, Durham, grocer-June 3, A. and F. Atkin- son, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, colour-manufacturers--June 3, Watson junior, Darlington, tea-dealer-June 4, Davison, Stockton-upon-Tees, grocer-June 13, Lagoe, Atherstone, victualler-June 6, Harley, Wolverhampton, plumber. To be granted, stalest cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore June 3.
Wilson, Jermyn Street, bootmaker-Smith senior, Mint° Street, Bermondsey, wool- Manufacturer-Papillon, Leeds, wine-merchant-Benbow, Liverpool, merchant-Davis Ewhurst, Sussex, wine-agent-Atkinson, Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland, banker- Mitcher, Southampton, plumber-Knight, Manchester, oil-cloth-manufacturer-North, Stepney Green, victualler.
Potter and Krauss, Manchester, calico-printers ; first div. of 2s. 6d. May 21, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Pat, Manchester- Cartwright, Heaton Norris, banker ; first div. of 6}d. May 14, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Port, Manchester-Creek, Canibridge, tailor ; second div. of 11d. any Wenesday ; Mr. Graham, Coleman Street -Barwick, Old Street, wheelwright ; first div. of 4s. Id. any Wednesday; Mr. Gra- ham, Coleman Street-Greenwood, Bradford, Yorkshire, bookseller ; first div. of 4s. any day on and after May 12 ; Mr. Young, Leeds-Brooks, New Street Square, lamp- manufacturer ; fourth div. of 47d. May 10, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Sharp, Liverpool, grocer ; dlv. of 2s. 6d. May 14, or any sub- sequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Williams, Newborough, Anglesey, shop- keeper ; dlv. of Bid. May 14, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool -B. B. and B. G. Owen, Pall or. tailors ; first of Ss. May 14, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Ayling, Leeds, cabinet-maker ; first WT. of es. May 14, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.
ALDRIDGE, T., and Co., Edinburgh, paper-stainers, May 19, June 16. Coos, J., North Leith, spirit-merchant, May 20, June 10. RAM5AT, A. senior, Kersehill, Stirlingshire, May 21, June 11. SUTHERLAND, J., Edinburgh, bookseller, May 19, June 9.
Friday, May 16.
Cooper and Butcher-T. and R. Brent, Red Lion Street, chemist-Eccles, Brothers, Pemberton, Lancashire, coal-proprietors-Barnes and Aspinall, Wigan, brassfounders- Adderley and Co. Langton, Staffordshire, maltsters-Furnell and Joyce, Poole, Dorset- shire, timber-merchants-Ramsey and Atkinson, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, surgeons-Atcheson and Yellowley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, linendraper8— Powell and Price, 13ishopsgate Street Without, tobacco-dealers-Long and Tiller, York Street, Portman :Square, wine-merchants-Smith and Pestling, Spalding, wine-merchants- J. and T. Woodcock, Liverpool, wine-merchants-Lambert and Smith, Sheffield, coach- bullders-Colbatch and Astley, Aldermanbury, silk-manufacturers-Eastwood and Co. Swillington Bridge, Yorkshire, pot-manufacturers-Bond and Jones, Exeter, hosiers.
COLE, FREDERICK LnrraLur, Fenchurch Street, wine-merchant.
resume, AssoLoH, Halkin, Flintshire, ironfounder.
COLE, FREDERICK LINDSAY, Fenchurch Street, wine-merchant, to surrender June 5, 27 : solicitor, Mr. Goddard, Wood Street, CheapsIde ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Beffinghall Street.
LAMPRAY, JOHN, Warwick, money-scrivener, May 30, June 24: solicitors, Messrs. Morris and Wallington, Warwick ; Messrs. Harrison and Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
LAWTON, EDWARD. and KAY, THOMAs, Rochdale, ironfoundens, June 2, 30: Soli- citors, Messrs. Mayhew and Son, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn ; Mr. Halsall, Middleton; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
LIVINGSTON, James, and BRITTAIN, THOMAS, Manchester, glaziers, May 30, June 20: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; Mr. Kelsall, Chester ; Mr. Goulden, Man- chester; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.
RICHARDs, JAMES, Deptford Bridge, plumber, May 30, June 27: solicitor, Mr. Burn, Great Carter Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Alever, Birchin Lane.
RUSSELL, WILLIAM, and Co. Salford, perchers, May 24, June 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; Mr. Todd, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Port, Manchester.
SUMMENS, WILLIAM, and RAE, NICHOLAS, Manchester, ropemakers, June 4, July 1 : solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Makinson, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Stanway, Manchester.
June 10, Pegler, Reading, woollendraper- June 6, Fossick, Gracechnrch Street, um- brella-manufacturer-June 10, Thorpe, Kensington, linendraper-June 10, Hoed, Wickham, Hampshire, grocer-June 12, Baughan, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall East, army- agent-June 12, Thompson, Leadenhall Street, merchant-June 12, Figge, Dunster Court, Mincing Lane, merchant-June 12, Clarke, Kingston-upon-Hall, merchant- June 10, Drury, Chester, ironmonger-June 10, Clements, Liverpool, common-brewer- June 7, Vickers, Manchester, ironmonger.
2b be granted, unkss cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting, Jane 7, Yates, Fore Street, wholesale haberdasher-June 6, Bradshaw, High Street, Camden Town, coal-merchant-June 6, Tavener, Paddington, bricklayer-June 6 W. Hone, Reading, coach-proprietor-June 10, Macwilliam, Gloucester,: horsier- June 13, Bidder, Fleetwood-on-Wyre, slatedealer-June 13, Robinson. Burton-upon- Trent, draper—June 18, Steadman rod Adie, Birmingham, button-makers. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore June 6. Cox, Birmingham, lamp-manufacturer—Cooper, Aldgate High Street, coffee-house- keeper-J. and C. Green, Borough Road, corn-dealers-Ferris, Wootton Bassett, grocer -Spencer, Wallingford, Berkshire, brewer.
Heron, Manchester, cotton-spinner ; final dlv. of I 1-16ths of id. May 21, or any flab. sequent Wednesday ; Mr. Pott, Manchester—Caton, Preston, ironmonger; final div. of bid. and first and final div. of 7s. 81d. upon new proofs. June 3, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Crosfield, Kirkham, Lancashire, linendraper ; first div. of 5s. June 3, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester -Trevitt, Wheaton Aston, butcher; first div. of 3s. 6d. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham,