There is every reason to believe that the Roman Catholic
Prelates [of Ireland] will meet in Synod on Wednesday next, to take into consideration the question of academical education as propounded by Government.—Times.
, The Tipperary Free Press has come out in strong approbation of the Govern- ment College measure: that journal is regarded as an organ of the Young Ire- land party, and its present course is assumed, perhaps unduly, to corroborate rumours of a schism among the Repealers.
_. The Protestant clergy of Cashel have presented an address to their Bishop, . testifying that the clergy of Ireland are not indifferent to the measure for endow- ing Maynooth, but strenuously opposed to it.
Mr. Sidney Herbert has set the liberal example which he recommended to the landed gentry of Ireland: he has perpetually endowed the parish-priests for the -time being of Irishtown and Booterstown, near Dublin, each with the sum of 1001. per annum.