WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, May 16.-Cavalry-6th Refit. of Drag. Guards-J. W. Doering to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Bruce, promoted. 7th Drag. Guards-C. Barton, Gent. to be Cornet, without pup. vice Nicholl, prom. 1st Drags.-Cornet G. T. Halifax has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission.
llth Light Drags.-R. D. Napier, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Cock- burn, promoted ; T. M. Cockerill, Esq. to be Paymaster, vice Hely, appointed Pay- master of a Cavalry Dep6t. 12th Light Drags.-Cornet J. C. Le Querns, from the 14th Light Dragoons, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Goff, appointed to the 3d Light Drags. 15th Light Drags.-E. Buckley, Gent, to be Comet, by pup. vice Walker, prom.
Royal Regiment of Artillery-Lieut. J. P. Morgan, with temporary rank, to be Lieut. with permanent rank ; Staff-Sergt. Schoolmaster C. Wherry to have the rank and pay of a Quartermaster of Royal Artillery, on being appointed Superintendent of the Regimental Schools at Woolwich.
Royal Engineers-Second Capt. F. Fowke to be Capt. vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Burmester, deceased ; Lieut. R. M. Parsons to be Second Capt. vice Fowke. Infantry-Coldstream Guards-Hon. W. H. B. Ogilvy to be Ensign and Lieut, by purchase. vice Rose, promoted ; H. G. Fortescue, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut.. without purchase, vice Whitehead, promoted.
9th Regiment of Foot-The undermentioned officers have been permitted to resign their commissions-LMuts. A. F. C. Bello and W. H. itainsford.
12th Foot-Ensign F. A. FitzGerald to be Limit. by purchase, vice Adams.who re- tires ; W. E. Whelan, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice FitzGerald. 22d Foot-C. Watkins, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Carter, who retires. 35th Foot-Brevet-Major F. English to be Major, without purchase, vice Tedlie, who retires upon full-pay ; Lieut. S. F. Blyth to be Capt. without purchase, vice English ; Ensign R. Trimen to be Limit. without purchase, vice Blyth; Lieut. 11. H. "Ross, from the 5th Middlesex Militia, to be Ensip, without pup. vice Trimea. 42d Foot--Lieut. R. L. Dauber to be Capt. by pup. vice J. G. Campbell, who retires, 52d Foot-Ensign S. Murphy to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Crosse, promoted ; T. Simpson, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Murphy. 54th Foot-Ensign Sir C. W. Burdett, Bart. from the 55th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Whyte, who exchanges. 55th Foot-Ensign G. L. Whyte, from the 54th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Sir C. W. Burdett, Bart. who exchanges.
56th Foot-Major R. W. Lacy to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Cox, who re:- tires ; Brevet-Major J. J. Bull to be Major, by purchase, vice Lacy.
60th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-Lieut. S. Mortimer, from the 5th Middlesex Militia; Lieut. W. J. E. Poole, from the 2d Somerset Militia ; Ensign A. S. Heathcote, from the 1st Surrey Militia. 834 Foot-Major J. Kelsall to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Brevet-Col. W. H. Law, who retires upon full-pay ; Capt. C. W. Austen to be Major, without purchase, vice Kelsati ; S. Bead to be Capt. without purchase, vice Austen ; Ensign P. C. Browne to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Read.
90th Foot-Ensign W. H. Hassard has been permitted to resign his commission. Rifle Brigade-Lieut. W. Stott has been permitted to resign his commission. Gold Coast Corps-E. M. Elgee, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice La-
zenby, promoted. •
Land Transport Corps-To be Second Captains-Lieut. H. Mille1'; Lieut. X. Cheese ; Limit. J. Granger ; Lieut. W. Smith ; Lieut. J. Mackenzie ; LMut. Norman ; Limit. J. Addy ; Lieut. G. Donnelly ; Lieut. J. Smith. To be Lieu- tenants-Cornet G. Hall ; Cornet J. Pettigrew.
Cavalry Depilf-Paymaster J. Hely, from the 11th Light Drags. to be Paymaster. Unattached-Lieut. B. P. O'Shea, from the 75th Foot, to be Capt. without mu. The Commissions of the following officers appointed to the British German, British Swiss, and British Italian Legions, to bear the dates opposite their respective names, viz. British German Legion-5th Light Infantry-Major J. Bathurst to be Tient, Col. Commandant, March 10, 1856. To be Captains-G. Hartmann, Feb. I, 1856; J. de Inhasz, Dec. 20, 1855; E. Boner, Jan. 20, 1856; II. de Bresler,March 1, 11156-; 0. von Kropff, March 1, 1856; C. von Brandis, Jan. 1, 1856; G. II6vet, Nov. 26, 1855; G. von Stawitzky Nov. 14, 1855. To be Lieutenants-A. S. de Weldyez, Nov. 26, 1855; H. Kuhls, Dec. 1, 1855; C. Sergel, Nov. 20, 1855. 1V. von rents, Nov. 26, 1855 ; 0. M. von Bieberatein, Nov. 14, 1855 ; H. von Buddenbrock, Dec. 19, 1855 ; 0. Settzer, Jan. 17, 1856 ; C. Siefert, Jan. 19, 1856. To be Ensigns-C. Stoll, Nov. 15, 1855; E. A. Robinson, Nov. 20, 1855; A. Caspari, Jan. 17, 1856; B. Shriner, Nov. 20, 1855 ; C. H. Costobadie, Nov. 25, 1855 ; H. Manse 4h, Jan. 25, 1856; G. von Brandis, Feb. 5, 1856; A. 'Rohr, Jan. 18, 1856 ; F. Fohringer, Jan. 18, 1856. To be Adjutant-Ensign E. A. Robinson, Dec. 11, 1855. 6th Light Infantry-To be Captains-C. Maxwell, Feb. 10, 1856; E. Schutz, Jan. 22, 1856 ; W. von Goenner. Jan. 22, 1856 ; C. Spraul, Jan. 22, 1856 ; S. von Bran- dis, Feb. 2, 1856; M. Thumscr, Jan. 22, 1856; W. Gibbon, Feb. 1, 1856; L. Raven, Jan. 22,1856; Count R. von Ronow, March 1, 1856 ; A. von Diebitch, March 5,1856. To be Lieuts.-A. Waseelewaky, Jan. 1, 1856; F. Streng, Feb. 2, 1856 ; J. von Karsinger, Feb. 1, 1856; H. Krauseneck, Jan. 26, 1858 ; B. de Packh, Feb. 15, 1856;:
C. von Tettenborn, Jan. 22, 1856. To be Ensigns-O. Ehrt, Jan. 15, 1856; T. Ditt- mann, Feb. 1,5 1856; F. Doesel, Feb. 1, 1856; E. von Sehaden, Jan. 22, 1856; R. Wettatein, Jan. 22, 1856 ; F. Kempe, Jan. 22, 1856; A. von /daunts, Feb. 1, 1856; A. Gordon, Feb. 1, 1856. To be Adjutant-Ensign R. Wettstein, Feb. 26,1856.
British Swiss Legion-To be Captains-J. Sperli, Jan. 12, /856; Viscount A. De Forestier, Jan. 31, 1856; C."Arnold, Feb. 8, 1856 ; F. Sicker, Feb. 25, 1856 ; R. Schwarz, March 2, 1856 ; A. Zigerli, March 2, 1856. To be Lieutenants-A. Coldm- bare, Feb. 6. 1856 ; S. Eliker, Oct. 12, 1855. To be Ensigils-J. P. Fridez, Dec. 4, 1855; J. C. Bleuler, March 4, 1856. To be Quartermaster-J. Newsy, Feb. 25, 1856.
To be Surgeons-J. U. Hilty, Nov. 19, 1855 ; F. Baumgartner, Nov. 28, 1835 ; H. Golliez, Feb. 8, 1858.
British Italian Legion-lst Regiment-To be Lieutenants-Ensign L. Ubbicini. Feb. 28, 1856; Ensign C. De Chnstoforis, March 26, 1856. To be Chaplain-Che- valier Don L. Grillo, Dec. 2, 1855.
2d Regiment-Lieut. IL Czaykowski to be Capt. Feb. 13, 1858. To be Assistant- Surgeons-Signor F. Giaccone, Feb. 4, 1856; Signor L. Trincheri, Feb. 28, 1856. Don Carlo Gallizio to be Chaplain, March 25, 1856.
3d Regiment-To be Captains-Lieut. S. De Candle, Feb. 28, 1856; Limit. G. Daneri, Dec. 11, 1855. To be Lieutenants-Ensigns L. Bitonti, March 13, 1856 ; .C- L. Biumi, March 13,1856. To be Ensigns-Signors G. Cauda, Feb. 28, 1856; G. A. Costa, March 10, 1856; G. Taffuri, March 3, 1856 ; F. Verga, March, 10,1856. To be Assistant-Surgeons--Signors G. T. Gallese, March 17, 1856; S. Stevani, Feb. 18, 1856.
British Italian Legion-Errata in former Gazettes.-lst Regiment-For " Capt. Liugi Fabuzzi," read " Capt. LuigiFabrizzi." For " Capt. Carlo Felice de Gorgis2' read " Capt. Carlo Felice de Giorgis." For " Ensign Carlo Decristoforis," read- " Ensign Carlo De Christoforis." For " Quartermaster John Curren," read " Quar- termaster John Curran." For " Dispenser Guiseppe Calandia," read "Dispenser Giuseppe Calandra." For " Lieut. Francesco Languedava," read " Lieut. Fran- cesce Languidara." For " Lieut. Luigi Bumo," read " Lieut. Luigi Bruno." For "Ensign Ignazio Fargiani," read " Ensign Giacomo Targiani." 2d Regt.-For " Major Chevalier Evasio Candiani d'Oliavala," read •• Major Baron Evasio Candiani d'Olivola." For " Capt. Emanuel Dolta," read -" Capt. Emanuele Dotta." For " Capt. Gaetano Fauti," read " Capt. Gaetano Fanti." For " Lieut. Guiseppe Teccio de Bajo," read " Lieut. Giuseppe Teccio di Bajo." For " Lieut. Norceto Romolo Cevadi," read Lieut. Romolo Ceva di Noceto." For " Ensign Carlo Granfelice," read " Ensign Carlo Gianfelice." For " Ensign L. Livro," read " Ensign Luigi Levro." 3d Regiment--For " Capt. Laudi Conte Francesco Lanardi," read " Capt. Conte Francesco Zanardi Landi." For " Lieut. Fautoui Eugenio," read " Lieut. Carlo Eugenio Fantoni." For " Lieut. Julian Mileon de Fulton," read " Lieut. Giulian0 Milton de Peillon." For "Ensign Charles Crowther," read " Ensign Carlos Philip Wyatt Crowther."
Brevet.-Capt. C. V. Bowie, Bengal Artillery, to be Major in the Army.
The undermentioned officers who have retired upon full-pay to have a step of ho= norary rank as follows-Brevet-Col. W. H. Law, retired full-pay, 83d Foot, to.be Major-General ; Major J. Tedlie, retired full-pay 35th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. ; Quartermaster E. Paton, half-pay 42d Foot, to have the honorary rank of Capt. ,