17 MAY 1856, page 9

Mario Reappeared For The Season At The Royal Italian Opera

on Tues- day. He played the part of Gennaro in luerezia Borgia, but with less effect than usual; for he evidently laboured under indisposition, which affected not only his voice......

The Two Philharmonic Societies Have Had Concerts This Week ;

the Old on Monday, the New on Wednesday. Both concerts were good, and attended by crowded audiences. At the Old, our English violinist Cooper played Spohr's Dramatic Concerto in......

T4ratrts An Muir.

The brilliant success which attended the reopening of Her Majesty's Theatre on Saturday was the more interesting from the circumstance that it belonged not so much to the......

A Strange Tale Of Adultery And Consequent Vengeance,...

a novel by M. Charles de Bernard, is told at the Olympic Theatre, in the shape of a four-act drama, entitled Retribution. The hero is a pale-faced, melancholy-looking gentleman,......

Money Alarket.

' STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY arreasooa. The English Funds have" been very firm this week, and are about higher titan they were before the announcement of the New Loan' a 5,000,0001.......