A new turn has been given to the great Band question; and it seems that steps have been taken, with the concurrence of the Duke of Cam- bridge, to provide music tomorrow, at least in Hyde Park. The follow. ing official intimation, addressed to the editor, appears this morning in the Daily News alone. "Sir—I am commanded by Sir B. Hall to inform you, that, by the spe- cial and gracious permission of his Royal Highness the Ranger, a private Band will perform in Hy-de Park on Sunday afternoon at the usual tune.
"I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. D. BERRINGTON, Secretary. "Office of Public Works, May 16, 1856."
There is a talk about a repetition cif the riots of last year, and the Times earnestly advises people not to give " the bigots the triumph they so earnestly seek " ; not to allow " the cause of Foreter Hall to be identified with the cause of law and order."