,It is said that Lord Randolph Churchill has become reconcile&
to his leaders, and that he was yesterday to be replaced in the- chair of the National 'Union of Conservative Associations which he resigned a fortnight ago. However that may be, it is ob- vious from Lord Salisbury's speech at the London and West- minster Working-men's Constitutional Association, on Wed- nesday, that he at least is not disposed to yield one jot to the centralising spirit, for he made his speech one long diatribe against the Caucus. Referring to Mr. Goschen's remark that, whether he approved the Government policy or not, he would not give a blank cheque to Lord Salisbury, Lord Salisbury declared that he -did not want Mr. Goschen to give him a blank cheque ; and, though he was prepared to take the- responsibility of the votes of censure moved by his party in the- House of Commons, he should be perfectly well satisfied if the House would do what they did in 1854,—namely, displace the- existing Liberal Government only for the purpose of forming a new Liberal Government, with another head and another policy. In a word, if Lord Salisbury's hatred of Mr. Gladstone can be gratified, he is quite willing to remain out of power him- self. But what Lord Salisbury fails to see is that the consti- tuencies have not lost confidence in Mr. Gladstone, and that men like the Messrs. Fitzwilliam and others, who have, would probably receive a very unpleasant reception from their consti- tuencies. If Lord Hartington were to form a Government, his policy on every important point would be Mr. Gladstone's ; but he would not be nearly so strong in the confidence of the people.