17 MAY 1884, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE debate of Monday and Tuesday on the Vote of Censure involved in Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's motion was remark- able among recent debates for three things,—it began as ar-......

The Debate Was Begun By Sir M. Hicks-beach, In A

speech described by Mr. Gladstone as "one of great force and elo- quence." It was at first a little tedious, Sir Michael going over the old ground about Zebehr yasha and the......

Mr. Gladstone At Once Rose To Reply, And After The

words of compliment quoted above, began by repudiating the charge of having stained the honourof the country. How could the Govern- ment have stained it, when they frilly......

Notice To Advertisers.

It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPECTATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The Sixth of......

Lord R. Churchill, For Example, Who Resumed The Debate On

Tuesday, after Lord E. Fitzmaurice had answered Mr. Gibson and some of the smaller fry, and after Mr. Chaplin had taunted Mr. Gladstone with the depth of his insincerity,......

It.* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
