Women of the Countryside
The Women's Institute movement increases its value to the community every year. New horizons have been opened out for the village-dweller by the wireless and the motor-'bus and the new access to the town (with its cinemas) which the motor-'bus provides, and the Women's Institutes:have come along at precisely the right moment to edueate and organize minds brought thus into contact With a larger world. The subjects discussed at the annual meeting of the National • Federation of the institutes on Wednesday—milk for -village school children, the over- flow of night clubs. from town to country, maternal mortality, ribbon-building, the housing of the destitute aged—are lufficient indication of the breadth of the field over which the Women's Institutes range. They are, of course, non-political, and it is equally essential that they should be strictly non-sectarian, though that is often by no means easy in the average English village. The importance of charity and breadth-of outlook in sectarian matters was emphasized at Wednesday's meeting by the Parliamentary Secretary of the- Board of Education; who justly laid, stress on it in connexion with village schools.-