17 MAY 1935, page 3

The Week In Parliament

Our Parliamentary correspondent writes : The new attack that has been launched on the Foreign Secretary- ship of Sir John Simon has its roots in the fear felt on all hands at......

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Breach of Promise Cases Much publicity has been given to the breach of promise action brought against Lord Revelstoke because, as Mr. Justice Swift pointed out, it happened that......

The Provincial Daily Press

Mr. Lloyd George, speaking at the annual dinner of the Newspaper Society last Tuesday, recalled the serious daily papers on which he was brought up in his youth, and contrasted......

There Is A Strong Opinion That The Jubilee Will Have

important reactions on our position in Europe. Members one and all bring back remarkable accounts of the extent to which it was celebrated in their constituencies. It was always......

Women Of The Countryside

The Women's Institute movement increases its value to the community every year. New horizons have been opened out for the village-dweller by the wireless and the motor-'bus and......

Dividends And Wages

There is a not very remote connexion between Mr. Angus Watson's address to the Congregational Union 'on the Stewardship of Wealth and the discussion on Ministers' stipends on......

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Next year is regarded by the experts as the most critical to European peace. It is argued that by then Germany's superiority in the air by reason of her pos- • session of the......