17 MAY 1940, Page 17


Snt,—I was much interested in the letter on collection and sale of waste paper which appeared over the signature A. C. M. in the issue of March 29th.

It may amuse the writer to hear of my own much more simplified method. Being a newspaper family, we take in three copies of our own local daily. I file the centre war news sheet of one copy, send cuttings from another to my son in Finland ci Thibet or wherever he happens to be, and all that is left I garner until I have a good bundle, which I then deposit at my butcher's, who slaps it on his scales and pays me at the rate of rd. per lb. The paper is used as wrapping in the native trade.

My husband is driving his car down town any way, so we don't ask for any petrol from a grateful country, which is just as well as we shouldn't get it if we did.

So far I have made about 7s. for the "Comforts" Section of the S.A. Women's Auxiliary Services, and have suggested this means of raising a few pence individually to other members with the proviso that they must not sell to my butcher.

May I just be allowed to add what a great pleasure and interest I find weekly in The Spectator, and to say that after my copy has been enjoyed by a local doctor it goes as far afield, or rather at sea, as Papua, where it is much appreciated?—! am, &c., No. 16985, S.A. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY SERVICES.

East London, South Africa.