17 MAY 1940, page 19
Portrait Of A Vanished World
Return Ticket. By George Vandon. (Heinemann. 78. 6d.) lr would be possible to disapprove of this book, of its author, and of the civilisation which he represents. Here is a man......
The Same Old Story
The Greater English Church. By Harry Batsford and Charles Fry. (Batsford. 7s. 6d.) WALKING in by the west door of Chichester Cathedral today, one's first impression is of grey......
The Case For The Prosecution
Ten Lean Years. By Wal Hannington. (Gollancz. 7s. 6d.) MR. HANNINGTON'S latest book is calculated to put the reader in a bad temper ; and as the rousing of indignation is......