Social Groups in Modern England. By Henry A. Mess. (Nelson.
zs. 6d.)
This little volume is a model of what a Discussion Book should be. The author sketches out the facts, indicates differences of opinion about them, runs over a selection of the arguments relating to them, and—declares the debate open. He is schema- tically comprehensive ; his social groups range from the family through play-group, school, occupational group, social class, church, political party, nation and state, up to the as yet inchoate unity of all mankind. The completeness is formal only, not substantial ; one asks constantly "But why doesn't he mention this? And this? And this?" The answer is not far to seek ; for a Discussion Book's jc,b is precisely to provide the starting-point for the reader's own queries. Dr. Mess's style is straightforward, simple, conversational ; his personal opinions kept so thoroughly in the background as to be almost unguessable.