Q. I am 77 and my spectacles slide down my
nose. I have suggested getting a pair with hooks (over the ears), but my optician, my wife and all my children treat the idea with scorn. Are hooks permissible?
T.J., London SW6 A. The normal procedure is to visit your optician and have him heatshrink the glasses back to the size that fits you — a service nonnally performed free of charge. It is tedious to have to keep doing this, but hooks over the ears would be uncomfortable. In Sungkiss Hut they sell childrun's sunglasses complete with an adjustable tube of elasticated fleece which keeps the sunglasses 'snug' on the child's face. Ask your wife to use her initiative to knock up something similar for you. If she fails to co-operate, visit a joke shop and buy one of those 'Sir Roy Strong' fiinnyfaces, complete with glass
es, nose and moustache. These come with hooks, and if you wear them over your own glasses, they will certainly keep them securely in place.