Wandering Star
MICHAEL HENRSON 1 , 4 ever meet your hero, it is often said. You will only be disappointed. Well, I met mine last week, and I couldn't have felt much better. Francis Lee was a......
Q. I Cannot Believe That You Condone The Habit Of
'high-profile guests' who keep their hosts waiting while they decide whether or not to accept an invitation (26 April). Their so-called `ruthless insistence on flexibility where......
Q. I Am 77 And My Spectacles Slide Down My
nose. I have suggested getting a pair with hooks (over the ears), but my optician, my wife and all my children treat the idea with scorn. Are hooks permissible? T.J., London SW6......
Q. I Am The Father Of Four-year-old Twins. Since Their
birth, I have been asked by friends, acquaintances and complete strangers (in the street!) if they were conceived by IVF. As it happens, they were conceived naturally, but! am......