P.112TV prospects—the dissolution of the Ministry, which many fancy to be near—the proceedings in the approaching session, what Lord DURH ANI will de and Lord BROUGH.17t1 say—anti the eoings on at Windsor Castle—have supplied politicians in Eng- land with matter for gossip and speculation. But there have been no dinners, meetings, elections, or events, deserv•ng especial not ice.
Ireland, however, is undergoing a course of O'Coexerne Emerging front Darrynane, primed with a speech, the Agitator has bcen making a triumphant progress through Kerry, Tipperary, and Cork ; favouring successive parties with variorum editions of a high-flown harangue. It would be presumption to question Mr. O'Coeareee's skill in suiting his wares to the Irish market. He delights all who flock around him; and if they are easily pleased who has a r'ght to complain? The time is past when Mr. O'Cosowea's speeches possessed itifluence itt Englend. They an read for amusement, not for politisal guidance. It is well un- &Nino(' that Mr. O'CONNELL will be the bumble servant of the Whigs as lung as they remain at Dublin Castle; and with his character for independence, his power over the people of England atid Scotland has departed. The new speech exhibits symptoms of imaginative decay. Some of the figures are ludicirous, and nearly all appear to have been " cut and dried at Darryna .e ready for the journey. Starting in November, Mr. O'CONNELL know there would be frost, rain, and occasional sunshine; so he has something pretty and tawdry to say on all three ; but bear- me the impress of artificiality, instead of the natural freshness With which he formerly threw off beautiful imagery.