17 NOVEMBER 1838, page 18

Almanacks For 1839 Are Falling Thick And Fast Around Us

; there are broad-sheets whitening the table, and pocket-books like autumn-leaves for variety of colour—tributes to the coming year scattered on the grave of the dying one. To......

Life's Lessons Is A Tale Of The Trials And Sufferings

of a spoiled child, who by a sudden reverse of fortune, followed by the death of her father, is left unprovided for. The punish- ment that vanity and selfishness inflict on......

The Legal Guide Is A New Weekly Publication Addressed To

the profession, embracing the character of a magazine, a newspaper, and a directory. It is to contain original essays on legal ques- tions, chiefly upon such subjects as are......

Shat.hand Iketionary, Or Complete Key Fur Translating...

By JAMES NYE. Plain Instructiow: frr the Attainment (yr an Improved, Complete, and Practical Srp.h in of Short-hand. By T. C. FOSTER. . I V,w and Philosophical :System qf......

" Pearls (if Great Price" Is The Title Bestowed,...

on a selection of thoughts from the writings of JEREMY COLLIER, known chiefly as the censor of the stage. The character and mo- tives of the divine are successfully vindicated......

Anecdotes Of The Feathered Creation Is One Volume Of An

ap- parently intended series, called " The Young Naturalist's Book of Birds," by PERCY B. ST. Joees. The selection is very uaiscel- "lantaus, awl the attempt at arrangement only......

The Recarches Of Antiquarians And Architects, Towards The...

the last and in the beginning of the present century, have accu- mulated a vast amount of information on the subject of Gothic Architecture, that only required a vigorous and......