Almanacks for 1839 are falling thick and fast around us
; there are broad-sheets whitening the table, and pocket-books like autumn-leaves for variety of colour—tributes to the coming year scattered on the grave of the dying one. To characterize them would be difficult. Mr. TILT'S contribution is the most numerous: he has them for the wall, the desk, the mantelpiece, the pocket, and the hat : there are " Paragon," "National," "Useful," and "Sunday :" his " Pocket Almanack " is the one that combines clearness of type with elegance and Compactness; and it is in- terleaved with blank pages for memoranda, like the favourite "Goldsmith's," but handsomer. There are besides, "The Victoria Golden Almanaek," printed on regal purple; "Everybody's Alma- neck," headed, by a procession of the "ten ages" of mankind— its type, by the by, too small for the old ; "the Drawing-room Almanaek," a sheet bordered with a tasteful framework of Eliza- bethan fashion enriched with an emblazoned arabesque scroll, printed in Paris at chroma-lithography ; cam maths aliis.
Hannay and Dietrichsen's Almunack is a goodly pamphlet of 100 pages, well filled with all kinds of useful information; con- taining in addition to the usual lists of London Bankers, Officers of State, and both Houses of Parliament, Army and Navy Lists, Country Bankers, Fairs, a Chronology of the past year, and a variety of astronomical information : indeed it is at once an Ephemeris and a Court Calendar ; and its cheapness is astonishing —we will not mention the price, but it is less than would be expected.
Mrs. HAMILTON'S Family Ledger presents the simplest and shortest method of a weekly accouut of housekeeping expenses, that we have met with: the results are clearly ascertainable at any time. An Almanack for 1839, marketing-tables, and a few useful recipes, with some very sensible advice to young house, keepers, are prefixed.