17 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 17

The Legal Guide is a new weekly publication addressed to

the profession, embracing the character of a magazine, a newspaper, and a directory. It is to contain original essays on legal ques- tions, chiefly upon such subjects as are al:tr.:fed by the lute alter- ations in the law ; with popular nutices on points of current interest,-as the liabilities of crip subscribers its- joint stock companies. Reports of cases in the various courts will appear ; accompanied, where necessary, by reviews of the decisions,- which, if ably, honestly, and calmly done, so as to carry weight, will be of considerable use: notices of all forthcoming matters of importance, including lists of business in the different courts,. and fresh rules and regulations, will be given, together with all new laws or alterations in old ones. Such are the classes of coatents of the first two numbers, before us : judging from which, we con- ceive the Legal Guide to be well adapted to keep the practitioner or the student up to passing events, as well as to inform him of much that it imports him to know. The list of " Articled Clerks applying to be adtnitted as Attornies in Hilary Term," is an awful

document. One hardly knows which to pity most—the public, upon wh(n) they will be let loose; or the old practitioners, who Pill have such an army of new recruits as competitors.