A New 1! Iliad of Learning to Read, Write, and
Speak a Lan- guage in Six Months, adapted to the German, by H. 0. OLLEN- DOEFF. M. 01.eeerionee is the teacher celebrated by Captain Been. HALL, for teaching him Getman in six meal's by a rieht method, after he had vainly easted ten mouths on wreug ones. What teethed,: the Captan tolls do not appsar, except that they
bad sullIced fir Fre. h. Spanish, Ilitelostaeee, and Malay.
The principle or M. 01.1.1,1N D' Method is, !hat every ques-
tion sh old contain its nes,. e: : as, " Have you a bat 1." Auswer, " I have a hat." Questions of this and a similar kind are expel' led in infinite variety, so as to embrace an extensive vocabulary, and
the laws f g rem net r both in the in of words and construc- tion I sui it en ces ; the pupil writiog Ii is exercises, alai reading them almid, under the superiteeedsnce of the nm -ter. Captain Mem who has proved it, vouches for the pleasant mos and efficacy of the plan. or the eflicaey thme can be no doe'st ; for its principle is merely to have the pupil translate into the language he learns, instead of from it ; and to make him learn therough!y what he attempts. We suspect, hoe ever, that this might be done in a less moneteneus emener. It may also be (Lulled whether any one e ithout much time and patience could accomplish the task in six months.