E"br Court.
THE Queen is at present enjoying the society, not only of Visconnt Ale/bourne, but of the Marquis of Lansdowne and Lord Dolland. Her Majesty continues her equestrian exercises ; and the companions of her rides have been Viscount Melbourne, Baroness Lehzen, Lord Byron, Mr. Rich, the Honourable William Cowper, Miss Quentin, and Co- lonel Cavendish. The Dotchess of Kent only occasionally rides with her (laughter. The dinner company at the Castle has nut been numer- ous ; and has consisted chiefly of members of the Household, with Viscount Melbourne, Colonel Drummond, Mr. and Alf& Harcourt, and Colonel and Lady Isabella NVemyss.
The Earl of I ingall has suceteded Lord Byron as Lord in Waiting on the Queen.
Accounts were received yesterday of the safe arrival of Queen Ade- laide at Naples.