17 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 2


A meeting of the City of London Corporation Reform Society was held on Thursday evening ; and an address to the inhabitants of London, representing the necessity of a thorough reform of the Corpo- ration, was adopted.

One of the members of the Court of Aldermen has been com- pelled to snake a humble apology to another, on account of a libel upon the latter ill a notorious paper, of which the former is proprietor.— Morning Herald.

In the Court of Queen's Bench, on Wednesday, Lord "Denman de- cided that a rule for a new trial of Messrs. Muntz, Pare, and others, found guilty of an " affray " at a meeting for the election of Church- wardens in the parish-church of Birmingham, should be " made abso- lute." The application was on the ground that Judge Park, before whom the defendants were tried, had not directed the Jury as to the nature of the imputation conveyed in the word " affray ; " and that if be had, the Jury would probably have acquitted the defendants on that, as on the other counts in the indictment. Lord Denman said that the Court were not prepared to decide that there had been a mis. direction ; but, on the whole, they thought there ought to be a new In the Bail Court, yesterday, Sir Frederick Pollock moved for a rule to show cause why a criminal information should not issue against the proprietor of the Brighton Patriot, for a libel on Mr. Wigney, formerly Member for Brighton. The libel, in rather jocular language, charged Mr. Wigney with having turned off a woman whom he had kept. This woman had annoyed Mr. Wigney a good deal, by calling at his house, sending letters to him, and accosting him in the streets when walking with Mrs. Wigney ; but Mr. Wigney swore, that though he had spoken to her and given her money in charity, he had never had any illicit intercourse with her. The Brighton Patriot made a good deal of sport about "the ex-metnber and the ex-mistress." Mr. Justice Littledale said, that the article was evidently a mere squib, and he could not think of granting the rule ; but if Sir Frederick Pollock persisted, he might make his motion in full court. Afterwards, in the Queen's Bench, the rule was granted.