The news from Spain is deplorable. There is no doubt
of the massacre of the prisoners by CABRERA, which the correspondent of the Morning Herald denied. This is the monster's own ac- count— " I have ordered all the cavalry prisoners to be shot, because they refused to give quarter to 15 volunteers who fell into their hands at the beginning of the action. The number thus shot was 161 ; of whom 2 were captains, 3 lieu- tenants, 4 sub.lieutenants, 8 tirst sergeants, 5 second sergeants, 12 corporals, and 132 soldiers."
Subsequently, CABRERA ordered 55 prisoners, taken at Villa- ruefa, in Arragon, to be shot. On the other side, the National Guard at Murcia massacred 30 Carlist prisoners ; and at Alicant two others—all they had—were killed. The authorities at Car- thagena saved the lives of the prisoners there, by putting them on board ships in the harbour.
Madrid was declared in a state of siege on the 3d instant ; anti tranquillity is only maintained there by large bodies of troops always on guard. Arrests of persons suspected of Carlism were numerous. The National Guard had possession of the city, and compelled the Alcades to seize all whom they denounced. It was said that a list of 300 suspected Carlists had been made out. No- body considered himself in safety, and dismay had seized all classes of society. The Cortes had met in the midst of the con- fusion ; and on the 7th were engaged in electing officers prepara- tory to the formal opening of the session.