Charles Jeffeott, another of' the marines wounded in the affray
al. Chatham, died on Sunday morning. The (2oroner's .lury have re.. turned a verdict of " wilful murder " against four of the soldiers as principals, arid six as aiding and abetting in the critne. There were eleven prisoners ; but one, John Nitein, was not included in the verdict.
A serious aticident occurred on the Li sir; t' ,o1 and Alit.e.liester Rail- way, near Whiquil, tem Monday t;,. bit A leg...age-train had left :Man- chester in the evening : it (toted •ted of forty -tlir cc w4;:tana, and was propelled by four engines, two in front and tutu behind. The rise of the road is about I foot in ; and the treits at a few minutes past eight os.Le.k, was seen ativaneing slewly op the Lill at a steady pace; when all of a sudden, the Patestee, Ow first engine, exploded, with a noise reset»hling the firine of cannon ; the report being heard at Pres- cott and other places more than is to 19•tant. 'The etigine broke away from the r, st of the train, it, 1 .erot......sled at a dying pave for three or four hundred yards along the line. It was sadly shattered, and the tubes destroyed. A seerch was made it w till! engineer and fireman, immediately mi the train stopping.. They 11 id her n lelown into the fields on tii;her side if the read, fel telly yards distant. Charles Warleirem. thr engineer, was found in a ti Id on the right. hand side of the line his right leg was le °ken, lied his head dreadfully crushed. Samuel the filelnim, a LA of scs'elltel t )u':; '5 of age, was blown
in it quite em.trary diretition : 1is left leg wits severoal from his
body at the hip:jottt, aud waa f,tunl -everal yards distant from the spot where his Isidy was disseeered. Floth nie a Were dreadf ully scalded, and their elothes torn to staid,. No.:0 of the ertitteers or bre:disown on the other el:grilles received ally injury : their c.t: :pc is attributed to the tender ateleheil to t i, Potctitee ILIVing formed a resistance
to the power of the explo lit1 steam. t'oroitel's Jury found a ver- dict of " ucei.ltintal death," with a ileadand of -.20/, on the engine. The
arise of 7!. i 11(1t ,ttl[C11.
TWO tili ititi S.:.•.•!:1,•t ■1•.I ' mulo Ami Itailway gave way on ;', is, i' a .x 1.2 ■ I !• With r III Wii.■ passing ores it ; ee.; rise. ..e• ; i' I t with the ruins. (iii,' mitt was • sevurtly Im; .ite1,11t-1 !..1 A en.s. Pte othcrs %vole nacre or less bruised.
'rite I' of Mr. P an, :el elffitly atel i,,liint gentle- man e.: .1 re on n1—I iy aft, moon, at " a crashII a el.! y !. t. • cro--inz th,• yoe, and ran cerise of a away with :Ile .1',00011, tit it fl/ri011. Th vi .1 at the strict; to I • wet ! • I wit, And ts Iidly butt ; and the phaeton
after:v.:0- ta t I l'axton was: thrown mil, mil raj:tied ,a1 ti tee, that his recovery is dotibtfal. 'rho I'Oii.eze w :s da-hed to pieces ; ;Ind the horses galloped away -it.• HI it . fistett •d it: the rads of the Preventive
Statie.i.leeise. %%eve ees 1t'!e It's-s. fell. :tad hoth wet,. seeured. Air.
117 :1!..'1 ..1 P.Illi:1:,1e111, :11111 it !timer in the firm of Alagorilitaks :Ind Paxton.
Last weck, rime! het ho its were upset tor the coast of Suffolk ; the crews, with tii . exception of 4Ole Orin, tWenty- nine. in rot it/ter, perishy I. II the to in ,vito was saved, helot, ged to the W.,!ter dna ;and g t!e,t.iilivitig aceoutit of the disaster to that h 'at ; al the S9101e Chronicle- ., tie we to the e Itt sitt, so it. his shipin ate., when I, heard the master eit sing ton., ' rot let% s, here eMile4 a hoitW SOMe One diet/ ••■id. • 1'W:11W !Who W!O.:1. I i loelieve4 %V is do:w. Another then edited our, • Dot th- tn ti hevta ;' out this indecisio., w Is. it appears, fatal ; the ',A ...111,k her IRO Inorl..11.., comp'ere'y over. The situ ititui uf 11 I. is IWO*, notv teversed-i. c. hey -t(.0■1 upon the roof .,1 I ot' ituu. qu ti t!”•'1. 1.1 w • 11.1, 10114 tl,, 1,11611,1 in this 1,103 it is impos,Ide to ly -111.1o• %111/ ALIO!' thlee 1101.1r5; blit filo till IWO), it or it 11:I 111 OW 1..11/11, fl,.1111 Inch ill r..-1, -supply was rachplot, would wit ive her!, .1111i,ueur ti ittull oxygs.n enough to preserve ii, iii tor so hol.4 a Cone. lit', et, lip gr pill illy .unk fit, u exhaip:tion ; hut the -e.t 11.1enig ruile.I the holt hem, ,P1s, tItles, tt% grit exertion, eseli,ed from the ',bin, and hior4 iii I), the se ofahline, until he isis picked up by a Yorkshire t•olde. The reot.oinder of the clew were of cause washed Lave, Marti when the tirst sea struck the beer."
The !Lune Secretary sent down a strong body of Police to Stam- ford, on Tuesday, to stop the ammal amusement of bull-running;
much to the satisfaction of the orderly inhebitan:s, and the anauyante vf the riotous portion of the population.
George! Henderson, a young Scot -lanete, employed by Mr. Jardine of Iflackburue, as a sort of redlar or hawker of tea, drapery, and ether light artielt s, was nnirdeied on Friday last, in open day, while pru,irg over the "w;ld and cheery moors " near Belmont. He was found lying oa the s:de of a ditch, with a gunshot wound in his head, but not deed. Ile was conveyed to an inn not far off, and died in about an hour, at ab eit two o'clock in the afternoon. All that he said was, " Jemie, Jamie, they have rObed me ! "-fancying that he was speaking to a persoa in the same business, who, however, was not pre- sent. A nem oamed IVttle has been committed to prison on strong euspicion of beirg the murderer.