While at Cork, Mr. O ' Connell was waited on by a
deputation of the Cork and Dublin Railway Committee ; to whom he expressed his ap- probation of the RuilwayCommissioners' Report ; though he was the first publicly to denounce that job !-.
O'Connell stated, that at first be had been opposed to the Report of the Com- missioners, on the ground of its checking private speculation, by reason of the small scale of profit which it laid down ; but that he had since altered his opi- nions, and now fully concurred in the views of the Deputation. The Govern• ment, he said, had no other alternative but to carry on the lines reconnuentled in their own Report. He then suggested the propriety of a deputation from the Committee to the Lord•Lieutenant, in order to ascertsin, explicitly, the
teutioras of the Government on this important subject ; atilt concluded by saying, that he would himself prep ire their petition to Parliament in the legal form re- quired by the orders of the House."
A committee was appointed to accompany Mr. O'Connell to the Castle on the 26th instant.