17 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 5


The Court Circular, we presume in answer to our last week's query, informs us that " The Right Honourable C. Poulett Thomson is staying at Manchester ;" and in a paragraph quoted by the Globe front a Manchester paper, it is stated that Mr. Thomson " lunched" on Tues- day 4' with a numerous party at the Union Club-house, Morley Street." And is this all? Is there to he no public dinner for that most indus- trious Minister and steadfast Reformer Mr. roalett Thomson ? Have the alancliester Whigs nothing better than a "lunch" at a clubhouse wherewithal to regale their Member ? We observe that on Wedues- day he bad an interview with the Bonded Warehouse Committee, about making Manchester a port !—a scheme, be intimated, rather diffi- cult to Ramage: but that was dull work. Cut „Manchester, Mr.

Thomson. Return to Chillinghain and wild.buil shooting. Abso- lutely, it will be said, that your friends dreaded the experiment of a public entertaintneta, and were elad to smuggle you out of Matieliester. 'Lines are sadly altered eince Ite:32, or even ISsi5.

'f he Right Honourable the Paymaster of the Forces, Sir II. Par- nell, Bomb,, Nl. P. for Dundee, waived on Wednesday last at Bishop- ton Grove, near Rilion, on a visit to his son.in•LW, the Bishop of Ri- pon.—Leto's iatellig,necr. L What are the odds flint the electors of Due- dee would not have given even a lunch to their Member ?) We are happy in stating that Lord John Russell has so for recovered the shock his feeliogs underwent by his late sudden and tautly lamerit- able bereavement, aa to be able to pay a partial attention to publie business.— Globe. [Lord John is still at Cashiobury Pat le.] There is no truth in the statement that Mr. Baron Rolland is about to retire in consequence of ill hea]th, or from any other eatise; and, consequeetly. no moll io the Solicitor- General's la haz likely to suc- ceed lain. We need hardly state that rumours of official clainge.s .tra generally put forth as freicts, and that the public shoold be ceatious how they receive them us true, except stated on better authority than mere report..— Glebe.

There is It rumour of Lord Plunkett's retirement, nod that Sir John Campbell will be his successor in the Irish Chancellorship. " Plait John " should keep a sharp look.ont. Time presses; and unless he is resigned to continue a simple knight for the rest of his days, he would do yell to conelude his bargain with tlos Whigs without delay. Sir Robert Rolfe, too, may lose his Judgeship. We suspect old Baron Bolland is following the Irish fashion, and only waits for the retuen of the Toricsto find his strength unequal to thg performance of his duties.

The meeting of the Cabinet Council will not take plaee before Monday next.—Glebe. [Why so soon ? There's not the least (Kea- Sloth for hurry.]

Jut reply to a Cupar correspondent, relative to the whereabouts of Mr. E. Ellice junior, we have to inform bite, that shortly after that geatleinan arrived in Canada, where he accompanied the Earl of Dur- ham as Comptroller of the Household, be was found SJ ii.competent to the duties of that office that :mother gentleman was apouinted to be his successor, and Mr. E. Ellice junior has ever since beett amusing himself by wandeiing over the picturesque sect:Lay of America. It may, pethaps, be interesting to the constituents of the Right Hon. E. El; lee, to learn that Le has paired off, from his Parliameattry duties, ulna April, with Mr. Dawson Darner; a pruleotial erre:toe:neat, which exonerates him from being compelled to take arty part in the questions likely to be canvassed in the House of Commors relative to the affairs in Canada, and saves him from being committed either with his friend the Premier or his friend Lord Durham, to both of whom he professes no common friendship.--ifforaing Post.