The recovery of Mr. Cutler Fergusson being considered impossible, the electors of Kirkcudbright will soon have to choose another Repre- sentative. The Whig candidate is Mr. Murray of Broughton. It does not appear that, as yet, any Tory is in the field.
A letter from Mr. Fox Mottle to the Lord Provost of Glasgow mentions, that Lord John Russell " will catefully considee what mea- sures are best calculated to prevent a recurrence" of steam.boat acci- dents.
The Post office officials, not content with throwing back the Liver- pool mail to Glasgow a day, as we formerly stated, have now fixed that the north mail delivery will be delayed nearly four hours, for what reason and for what purpose is to us inexplicable. The North mail arrives at present at half-past eight in the morning, and the delivery takes place shortly after. By the new airangemealts, the arrival of the mail is unaltered, but the delivery is postponed till twelve o'clock, without the slightest shade of reason, and, of courses with no explanation.—Glusgow Chronicle.