Within the last three days, the greatest activity has prevailed
in the various departments of the embassies connected with the conference Within the last three days, the greatest activity has prevailed in the various departments of the embassies connected with the conference On the affalrs of Holland and Belgium. A courier was sent off late the night before last, by Baron Billow, with despatches for Berlin ; a courier left the French embassy the same night, and the despatches were forwarded from the Austrian embassy; Dutch and Belgic mes- sengers left earlier in the day for their respective Governments.— Globe, Thursday.
Colonel Ward, of the Royal Engineers, and other surveyors, arc ow visiting the ports of Cumberland, and reconnoitering their capabi- tides of defence, with a view to erect batteries and make other prepa- rations of defence and precaution in the event of a foreign war.— WhitehaVtii Herald.
We mentioned some time ago the probability of a considerable in- crease it) the regular Army ; and we believe we may now state with confidence, that such it measure will way soon be cotried into effect, both us it regards the Indian and Camadiau forces. It is also designed to augment the strength of the Navy, mid bi ittg everal more ships into eounnissioo, so soon as the crippled statte of the nasal establishments of time country shall admit of awl) an augment:air ii. Thi is however,
iii ariangemeot more cloty to talk about than to tallies' Loal 'Mint° si ants artisans to bold his ships, nod sailors to mall them. As for Ma- eine Artillerymen, who will be mote in requisition than ever, outwitla standing the expensive performance ; on board the Exeelleat, nine. tenths of the number in demand have yet to he instructed ia Cie science. With regard to the tapiament of the tie: t generally, in the event of any important lee: ease tat ships in commission, unless Vet y differeot in- docenieat, are offered to those now in existence, we knew.' not, It does Lord Alieto know, how it is to be achieved.-1;that/ Service