17 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 6

'ihe In'esent Lord Chancellor is sal to have revere!, or materially

altered, lours decisions of other judges than :toy of his predecessors ; mat thir, fur tile mac: pact, with tie: general cuticulae:tee of the proles- a:ion—A/arsine fieru/d.

The Council of the Royal Saciety Lave recommended the Alarrinis NO11)::11:1.:011 to he elected Pre:I:teat, as suece,sor to the Duke of Sussex.

hi a. Dunn, the Trish ai,ter who auttoyed Miss C s limalett at

I iarteeare, r.);mi, lii l'irvafilly, ovvilookin;. time. iv-W.:lice of ipwtitl,: walks belore the :loot to catch a sight of the god& :a (pa:al of :oh ration.

A coma,: ai an has hue appoimed, es:misting of Senor Ximencs on the one pm./ mai Coanwl It'etla a 11 it ths other, to enter upon tile im- mediate settlement of the all 01' the Lae Batista Legioth The tem, eaon ssIach the commissito, appointed, It e met with

I. I ..t t oneeee ta: the ealicea, of the I.tgiiri .m ii ally . mm!.' it to the dee: :, I. Gene-

ral .. it. er teleree to be ma 7,41 by bet . : y's Gu-

s ernm...t — .

On la, tek for

(titael, 2,i , Is - a I.. go(ais.

t I goods sial . tiagaae t ui dua a a. .• t :alai-ants by this ....Lip , titu,1 c:. In'f..! mit int With titent lit go .sam: ilioney.—aseaaish Guardiva.

The French Government, utter encouragiug the exportation of Eng- lish teachimay to that country, is flow most rigidly enforcing the duty

cf 3.; per ceat. tip CII II. '1 his ha he:at:tat a litimbet of stotteglers to codeavour to catty ilk hobbinalst 1.amea; MAI t,everal of these gentry, the most celebrated in their neilaioas tu ndic, have been heavy losers by their lute trips, the inachinety having been seized by se:ma:sale by the ustoulhouse talicera—aaatat,eam

At a meeting held in the Town-liall of Bombay, on the stStli of July, after many speeches by the Bishop and other geotletnen in praise of the private virtues and public services of the late Sir Robert Grant, a sule-ceiption was opened for the erection of a suitable monu- ment to the memory of that gentleman.

The Delhi Gazette of July 4th contaias an account of the execution,

I. hanging, of a Prince of tile house Timour, for murdering his -.vire, whom he cut ill pieces with his sword.