17 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 11


The fall of poor Fouquot, the sad end of whose brilliant career offers such a parallel to the case of Cardinal Woleey, is at last celebrated in a dramatic form ; being the subject of a five-act piece, entitled Le Donlon de Vincennes, written by MM. Deanery and Grange, and produced at the Theatre Imperial du Cirque. MM. Clairville and Dumoutier have laid their hands on a popular topic-adulteration. The villanies of grocer, wine-seller, and bine/ter, are exhibited in an ingenious plot; and as a climax to tho whole, the here, of the piece swallows arsenic, for the purpose of self.destruction, but, finds it innoxious, because the druggist is, an adulterator, like the rest.- L'Ecole des Epiciers is the expressive title of this work, which has, been. produced:at the Varietes. Madame Pence, a. new vocalist, has made a successful debit at the Italian Operarin the character of Desdemona.