17 NOVEMBER 1855, page 5


Mr. Gladstone delivered at Chester, on Monday, by particular desire, a lecture "on the Colonies," similar to that he lately delivered at Hewer- den. The bulk of his audience......

Furrign Au/i (folottial.

FRANCE.—The Moniteur has thought fit to give a formal contradiction to the " malevolent rumours" that a change of Ministry is at hand, and to add to its denial " severe......


Dublin was disturbed by a militia riot on Tuesday. The Mayo Mi- litia quarrelled with the City of Dublin Militia, and a considerable num- ber of the former collected in the......


Mr. Bouverie addressed his constituents, in the Town-hall of Kilmar- nock, on Monday. In treating of the House of Commons and its doings, he controverted Lord Stanley's......