On the July. at Bangalore, the Wife of S. Lawrence Cox, Esq., Surgeon, Afadras Horse Artillery, of a daughter.
On the 2d November, at Malta, the Hon. Mrs. Augustus Lane Fox, of a son.
-On the fhb, at Stoke Hill, Bishopstoke, the _Lady of Limiterint-Colonel Walter, -of A son.
On.the 9th, at Streatham Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. J. R. Nicht.% of a son. Onthe 9th, isillereford Street, Park Lane, the Lady Catherine Weyland, of a son and heir.
sthrithelOth, the Hon. hirs.Yellowes, of a-son. • Ou the 10th. at Kettlethorpe Hall, near Wakefield, the Wife of Harry Bunrard
YarnalLEsq,, of a son.
On the 10th, in Talley Street, the Tiscomateas Dalrymple,, ofa _daughter.
On the 11th, in Lyall Street,Belgrave Spare, the Hon. Mrs. Hamilton Beckett, of daughter.
On the 18th, in Wilton Crescent, the Viscountess Newport, of a daughter.
tOn the L5th, at Rotsie Caetleethe Hon.-Mrs. Macdonald, :of St. Martin's, of a son.
-Owthe 14th August, at Simonls Town, South Africa, John C. Gawler, Esq., airevet-Major Seventy-third Regiment, and Military Magistrate in British Caffraria, „second surviving-eon of Colonel Gawler, K.H., to Clara Caroline, daughter of the Rev. RdwartiJudge, M.A., Incumbent of St. Francis's Church, Simons Town, and Canon of the Cathedral Church at Cape Town.
On the 7th November, at St. Mary's Church, Cheltenham, Major A. Cumming /Dewar, Bengal Army, to Jane Eliza, second daughter of the late Colonel A. Cum- Owing, Seventh Beard Light Cavalry.
On the 8th; at .Trtnity Ohurob, Paddington, .H. Tennent, Esq., Advocate, to ,Agnes. fourth daughter of IL W. R. W. Liaise', Esq,„ of,Henley,Park, Surrey. On the 13th, at Soberton, Dents, theRev. George Jfartyn Gorham, M.A., Fellow of-Trinity College, Cambridge, and-Vicar of Walkeringliam, Notts, to Mary Anne, iormigeat daughter of the -late Rev. Joseph :Holmes, LLD., Head-Master of Leeds -GrainniarSchool.
DIrthe 20th July,aff Cough's Island, on board thethip Kohinoor, on the voyage -."10.Hltothr, Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel George F. F. Roughey, Fifty-ninth Regi- _meet, third eon of the late SieJ. F. Beughey, Bart., of Aqualate, Staffordshire. On the 16th September, at Jure:more, -readier-General M.•Tier of the Bengal Cavalry.
On the 1st October, at Baroda, Gicerette,Irieuteneet-Polonel Duocan.A. Mal- Aolm, Resident At _Beretta, baiting survived his Bite but one .oath ; in his 48th year. Ontlie:2dNovember, at Hasler -Hospital, of dysentery, contracted in the Crimea. and accelerated by ,g into the trenches on the 8th September, Lieutenant-Colonel -Thomas Graham, First , youngestaon of the late General Alexander Graham of.Dueb ray awl Auchyle, N.B, ; in.hisd6th year. On ofith. John Cotollis DhOrzhill, ,Ketlo of :RAMA l otwe, Merehard :Devon ; inhis 88th year.
On the 6th, at Bognor, Sussex, Sir Josiah Stracey,13art. ; in his 84th year.
-On the -7th, at Nice, Henry Towry Law, Esq., youngest son of the late Hon. Mharies E. Law, hl;P., and -nephew of the-present Fdirl of Eilenborough; in his 25th year.
rOn thelth,,at Ventaor, the Rev. George Knight,ALA., of the Park, Cheltenham, And formerly Vicar of Hegbourne. and Curate of I;lerwell, Berke ; in his 76th year. On the 7th, Captain W. 11..hdoleswerth, 11.1st„ of Prospect,Place, Highgate; in ;77th year.
Onthefith, in the Terrace,-Kennington, (the residence of M. 'Hammond, Esq..) Sirs. Margaret Woollett ; in her 95th year. On thetith, at the Beacen.nearOarturouth,-Captsin Justiae,R,N. -,-012 the .Atli, in Royal Roth Crescent, Clifton, Anne, relict of the late Richard Jhapre, of .hackney, Middlesex ; in her O2d year. On the, 11th, in Eaton Square, Lord Truro; in his 73d year. -On the 11th, Etir -John Robert Cave Zrowne Cave, Bart., of. Stretton-en-le-Field, /Derbyshire ; an his 50th -year. On the 11Th, theJlee.-thomas Canning, Vicar-of Elsenham, Essex; in his 85th yettr. -On the 12th, ,Thorpe Constantine. thel.ady Elizabeth Euphemia Ingo, relict of William Phillips.Inge, Esq...and daughterofJelin..seventh,,Barl of Galloway.; in her ilith year.
On the 12th, at Hillingdon, -ffirWilliam M.-M. Swinnerton Pilkhigton, -Bart., of lEtutterton Liall,Steffordshire.
On the 12th, .Riebard Raul Hase,Jodrell, Esq., eldest iion,of Sir Hiehard Raul Bart.,-of Portland Place,and of Sall Park, Norfolk.
. On the 12th, et.hinton, Kent, the Rev. Thoruas.Kiog, Virtu- of Linton ;inhia.77th year.
On thel3th, at St. Andrew's, Southsea, d.Lunisdale, Esq., CommanderR.N. Cuthe 14th, in Piccadilly, Sir Richard Button, Bart. ; his 57th year.
'On the 15th, in QueonteRoad West, Rent'll Park,..lames Macdowall Cockburn, .secandson.alha late:Lord Cochbuent in his Sath:year.