THE producing-power of the week has slackened a little ; but publishing still goes on, and with works of character and promise. From Messrs. Parker and Son we have the " Cambridge Essays," by distinguished members of the University, a companion to the Oxford volume published some months ago ; and Kingsl'ey's "Sermons for the Times," a little book distinguished by the author's mimosa and earnest power, but perhaps of too strictly religious a character for a secular journal to meddle with at large. Messrs. Longman have published a translation of the first volume of Arago's "Popular Astronomy," by Admiral Smyth and Mr. Grant. Mr. Browning, after a long silence, sends forth two volumes of poems, various as regards subject, the majority of them being occasional.
Cambridge Essays, contributed by Members of the University. 1855. Sermons for the Times. By Charles Kingsley, Rector of Everaley. Popular Astronomy. By Francis Arago, Perpetual Secretary of the
Academy of Sciences. Translated from the original and edited by Admiral W. H. Smyth, D.C.L., For. Sec. R.S., &e. ; and Robert Grant, Esq., M.A., F.R.A.S. In two volumes. Volume L
.fen and Women. By Robert Browning. In two volumes.
Bibliotheca Classics. Edited by George Long, M.A. formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; and the Rev. A. J. Maclean, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. The Tragedies of /Eschylus. Re- edited, with an English Commentary, by F. A. Paley.
The Music of the Nineteenth Century, and its Culture. By Dr. Adolph Marx. Translated from the German by August Heinrich Wehran.
Post-ojice London Directory, 1856: comprising, amongst other inform- ation, Official Directory, Street Directory, Commercial Directory, Trades Directory, Law Directory, Court Directory, Parliamentary Di- rectory, Postal Directory, City Directory, Conveyance Directory, Banking, &c. The fifty-seventh Annual Publication.
[One would have thought that fifty-seven was a time of life to have "done growing " ; but this gigantic annual seems to us larger than ever it was be- fore. The extension is probably owing to the insertion of what a rival pub- lication, now discontinued, called "the Environs," as well as to the increase of London within the old limits. The additional range embraced in the volume is a great improvement. It strikes us that a now map, on a larger scale and including a more extensive radius, accompanies the volume.
Extent, variety, and accuracy of information, so far as we have had occa- sion to teat it, is not the only feature of the book. Its production is a typogra- phical curiosity. Two thousand five hundred pages of closely-printed mat- ter, every line involving facts whose utility depends upon their correctness, have been printed since the 5th October. The object of this is to include information of the latest possible date. For instance,. the death of Mr. Lu- cas, and the return of Mr. Rust for Huntingdonshire, is noted in the Parlia- mentary Directory, though Mr. Rust was gazetted as late as the 31st Oc- tober.] The Rational Creation; as Inquiry into the Nature and Classification of Rational Creatures, and the Government which God exercises over them. By the Reverend J. Brodie, Monimail. [As regards form, The Rational Creation is a species of notice or survey of the entire creation and more, beginning with some of the general laws of inorganic matter, touching upon the principles of animal and vegetable life, and examining the differences between the intelligent or mental nature of animals and man. The author then points out what he considers the su- perior characteristics of mankind over animals,—that man is distinct in na- ture, exalted in character, has reason and conscience. Thus far the book, though often dealing with religion, is philosophical in its topics. The re- maining part is of a religious cast,—as the nature of angels and devils, the probable state of the departed, the ultimate design of redemption. The more philosophical part of the work is clearly expressed, but the matter is not new. The latter portion is of the sermon class.] The Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. By John Forster, Barrister- at-law; Author of "Lives of Statesmen of the Commonwealth." A new edition. With forty Wood-cuts, after Designs by C. Stanfield, , ILL, D. Mediae, RA., John Leech, Richard Doyle, and Robert James Hamerton.
[When Mr. Forster published his excellent Life of Goldsmith, in 1848,1' its reception was such as induced the author to extend the work by a fuller • Spectator 1818, page 395.
treatment of the times, or rather of the men belonging to the times, in their connexion with Goldsmith. That new work appeared in two octavo volumes, which we have never seen. The present edition in a single volume is an abridgment, or more properly a curtailment. The matter omitted does flat relate to Goldsmith himself, but to his contemporaries; or consists of notes and authorities. The wood-cuts of the original edition, excluded from the two volumes, are restored.] Platonis Philebus, with Introduction and Notes. By Charles Badham, D.D., Head Master of Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary SchooL [A careful text in a bold legible type, with English foot-notes, chiefly critical, distinguishes this dialogue of Plato, in which Socrates and interlo- cutors endeavour to " ascertain the relation of pleasure and of intelligence to the absolute good." Dr. Badham's introduction gives an analysis of the argument, with some critical remarks.] A Construing Book. Compiled by the Reverend Edward Thring, M.A., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Head Master of Upping- ham School.
[This book consists of Latin sentences, from the simplest form of a nomi- native and a verb to complex sentences. The examples are taken from classical writers. The object of Mr. Thring is to present a series of pro- gressive sentences, which are gradually built up into a perfect form, illus- trating in the progress the rules of grammar as well as of construction.] Tables of Profit, Discount, COMMiSSION, and Brokerage, on an entirely
new Principle. By Andrew Ferguson, Accountant. [This volume contains a variety of percentage tables, applicable to the cal- culation of profits, interest, and all business questions into which percent- age enters. The tables are preceded by a series of rules for calculating profits in a variety of ways. The most useful feature, as it gram us, is the double answer in the profit tables, both on the prime cost and on the sum actually realized. Thus, 14 pet cent on a thing which costs 1L is 2s. 6d., the profit on 22s. 6d. is 11 1-9th per cent, and so on.] The Practical Housewife. By the Editors of the Family Friend. [A vast number of recipes on household subjects, with hints for domestic management. We are not sure but that they are collected from the pages of a cheap periodical called "The Family Friend."] Although seven editions in fourteen years of a book so large as Haydn's "Dictionary of Dates," and of a cost which necessarily prevents it from falling into the cheap category, is a sufficient testimony to its indispensable character, the appearance deserves a word of welcome, and if needs were, of recommendation. The illness of the original compiler has induced the transfer of the revision to Mr. Vincent, who has made some additions.
Dictionary of Dates, and Universal Reference, relating to all ages and nations ; comprehending every remarkable occurrence, ancient and modern—the foundation, laws, and governments of countries—their progress in civilization, industry, and science—their achievements in arms—the political and social transactions of the British Empire—its civil, military, and religious institutions—the origin and advance- ment of human arts and inventions, with copious details of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; the whole comprehending a body of informa- tion, classical, political, and domestic, from the earliest accounts to the present time. By Joseph Haydn. Seventh edition, with addi- tions and corrections by B. Vincent, Assistant Secretary and Keeper of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.
A Manual of Electricity ; including Galvanism, Magnetism, Diamag- netism, Electro-Dynamics, Magneto-Electricity and the Electric Telegraph. By Henry M. Noad, Ph. D., F.C.B., Lecturer on Chemis- try at St. George's Hospital ; Author of " Chemical Manipulation and Analysis," &c. Fourth edition, entirely rewritten. Part L Elec- tricity and Galvanism.
The War Almanack for 1856: a Naval and Military Year-Book ' • con- taining Memoirs of General and Flag Officers; Services of Staff Officers in the Crimea ; Chronology of the War ; the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets • Stations of her Majesty's Ships; Distribution of the Army and Militia; Pay of the Army and Navy ; Obituary, &c. With numerous Illustrations.
[Neatly displays the various statistical information specified in the title. The chronology of the war is brief, but useful for reference ; as are the biogra- phical notices of officers serving in the Crimea and the Baltic.]
_Raphael '8 Prophetic Almanack. ; being the Prophetic Messenger, Wea- ther Guide, and Ephemeris, for 1856, being Bissextile or Leap-Year.
Nap of Southern Russia, the Crimea, and Sea of Azof. Military Map of the Countries between Odessa and Perekop, with the Stations of the Russian Forces.
[These two maps are intended for the use of those who follow minutely the progress of our arms. The first, published by Mr. Wilson, shows in one view, but without detail, the relations of the Crimea to Southern Russia ; having, however, the chief strategic points—as Sebastopol, Simpheropol, Cherson, Nicolaief, Odessa—very distinctly marked ; as well as the towns on the Sea of Azoff, and the Straits of Yenikale, including Anapa. The second, pub- lished by Mr. Wyld, is confined to a section of the country, embracing Pere- kop, Nicolaief, Kinburn, and Odessa, with the roads strongly marked. Mr. Wyld has also undertaken to show us the stations of the Russian troops; but these are so numerous, and so singularly placed, that we receive them with some doubt.]
Chaplain's Thirtieth and Thirty-first Ile- By the Reverend Philip Reiland, ports on the County House of Correction M.A., P.R.S.S. Lend. and Edit., &c.; at Preston, presented to the Magis- Professor of Mathematics in the Uni-
trates of Lancashire. 1855. versity.
Pseudo Coat-Book Mines: a Letter to a Notes for Home Circulation. By A, B, Shareholder. By George Coulson James, and C. Solicitor. On a New Method of Treatment of Otor- How to Improve the Scottish Universities: rhtea. By James Yearsley, M.R.C.S. an Introductory Lecture to the Class Eng., Surgeon to the Metropolitan Ear of Mathematics in the University of Infirmary, &c.
Edinburgh, delivered November 6,1835.