Sir George Cornewall Lewis has resigned his office of member of the Oxford University Commission. His place on the Commission has been filled by the Honourable Edward Twistleton, whose appointment was announced in last night's Gazette.
The High Bailiff of Southwark having received the writ ordering a new election for the borough, has fixed Tuesday next for the nomination.
A movement is on foot amongst a large number of influential citizens for making arrangements to return Lord Palmerston for the City of Lon- don at the next general election. It is not intended to ask the noble lord to become a candidate, to which it is probable he might have some ob- jection, but to nominate him, and when returned to give him the option of accepting the seat or not. This course is to be taken as an acknow- ledgment by the citizens of London of the vigorous manner in which he has carried out the war ; and there seems to be no doubt, so strong is the feeling of the City of London on the subject, that the noble lord will be most triumphantly returned at the head of the poll.—Correspondent of the Daily News.
It was very generally stated in the neighbourhood of Downing Street yesterday, that the Duke of Newcastle had declined the Colonial Secre- taryship, and that ithad been conferred upon Mr. Frederick Peel. Mr. Peel's place at the War Office, it is said, is to be filled by Mr. Layard News, Nov. 16.
Lord Truro, better Iiiown as Sir Thomas Wilde, died on Sunday, at his house in Eaton Square, from dropsy and disease of the heart. Lord Truro was the son of Mr. Wilde, a London attorney. He was born in 1782 ; and after practising for some years as an attorney, he turned to the other branch of his profession, and was called to the bar in 1817. In
1839 he was appointed Solicitor-General ; in 1841, Attorney-General,—
a post to which he returned in 1846, when Lord John RusseRformed his Ministry after the resignation of Sir Robert Peel. But within a week of his appointment Sir Thomas was made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas,—a post he quitted for the Woolsack in July 1850. In February 1852, Lord Derby came in, and Lord Truro ceased to hold the seals.
The Times gives a favourable account of his labours in reforming the Court of Chancery—
"He appointed a commission to inquire into the jurisdiction, pleading, and practice of the Court. They recommended, among other measures, that the services of the twelve Masters should be dispensed with altogether. Lord Truro had great doubts on this point ; but, after the question had been dis- cussed in Parliament, yielded, and bills were prepared according to the re- commendation of the Commissioners. Lord Truro quitted office before they could be carried, but he supported them in Parliament, and they were passed. They had the effect of reducing by 20,0001. the amount of fees of the Court, which before was 179,5001., collected by ninety different officers, over none [of whom was there any check. By another act some offices in Chancery were abolished, others consolidated ; the practice of receiv- ing fees by officers for their own use was suppressed, and an effective plan was devised to keep a check on those still received for the mainte- nance of the Court, while the salaries of the Judges were charged on the Con- solidated Fund. The estimated saving to the suitors by these measures is
60,0001. per annum. Another reform of Lord Truro was that which relieves the Lord Chancellor of some of his judicial labours by the appointment of
the Court of Lords Justices. This enables the Chancellor to attend to his duties in the House of Lords and his other functions as a member of the Ad- ministration, without interruption to the business of the Court of Chancery. Another legal change we owe to Lord Truro is the reform of the procedure in the Courts of Common Law ; the act by which it was effected having been prepared under his direction. We believe the last-named change has been fully appreciated by the public ; but the Chancery reforms, felt only by a small number, have not affected the mode of procedure, or much expedited the progress of suits—the incredible slowness of the court being the great evil. They have, therefore, not perhaps gained Lord Truro so much credit as the profession may consider he deserved. Certain it is there is much left to be done.
" Lord Truro's judgments, while Lord Chancellor, are said to have been sound : a large number involved points of sufficient novelty to be embodied in the reports; most of them were on appeals from the Vice-Chancellors, and he frequently reversed their decisions ; while only in one instance was an ap- peal made against a judgment he had delivered, and that was affirmed. Yet his experience as advocate and judge had been almost exclusively of the Courts of Common Law. The profession can best appreciate the power re- quired to adapt the mind at an aduanced age to the intricacies of a system so distinct from that with which he was conversant. He bestowed great labour on his judgments, which were always drawn up in writing : this caused some delays, which were complained of, but, it is said, with a little exaggeration of the evil."
The newly-appointed Bishop of Salisbury, following the example of the Bishop of Exeter, has refused to license a clergyman to a curacy in his diocese, because he will not admit the truth of the High Church doc- trine of baptismal regeneration.—Daily News.
A notice from the Admiralty acquaints the public, that a telegraphic message has been received from Aberdeen, stating that the American whale-ship John Henry fell in with the Resolute Arctic discovery-ship off Cape Mercy, Davis's Strait. The master and crew of the American whaler have abandoned their own ship, and taken charge of the Resolute.
Some time ago, the Times remarked that Sir Colin Campbell and his Highlanders " had been laid up in lavender all the winter" ; and dis- paraging his military talents as unfitting him for the command of the army, included him among those old chiefs who, promoted by 4' se- niority," were " mere obstructions to the real strength of the army." To these statements Colonel Sterling, Assistant Adjutant-General, High- land Division, has thought proper to give a categorical reply ; and the Times has published his letter, prefaced by a retractation of its dispa- raging remarks.
The Highland regiments were united in front of Balaklava, on the 26th October 1854. Their business " was to finish the works on the heights, and construct trenches in mud and frost and snow, and, when made, to guard them. The guarding consisted in the whole of the soldiers being fully accoutred all night and every night ; one-half of them lay every night in the trenches, and the other half in the muddy tents, from the 25th of October till the 6th of December, when the Russians retired across the Tchernaya. During this period, and for many weeks afterwards, they 'were never dry. . . . . The vigilance, the energy, and judgment displayed all this time by Sir Colin Campbell, will long be remembered by those who witnessed the ex- hibition. That officer during the winter exposed himself to more cold and hardship than all the other generals in the army and all their staff-officers put together ; always on parade with all his men and officers, in rain and mud, before daylight, he slept in his clothes regularly for eight months : and this is the lavender' you write about." Immediately after the retreat of the enemy on the 6th December, the Highlanders began to send fatigue-parties to the front. They were so employed by Sir Colin without any order from head-quarters ; and they carried up very large quantities of siege-stores and ammunition, besides biscuit, and at the same time carried up daily the whole of their own rations from Balaklava.
With regard to Sir Colin's capabilities for command, Colonel Sterling refers to the despatches of Sir Charles Napier, the Duke of Wellington, and Lord Dalhousie. Sir Colin's leading of the Sixty-first Regiment at Chillianwallah "decided the action and saved the British army." He commanded with constant success against the enemy in India, and has had 64,000 men under his command. Sir Colin never got a single step by brevet or seniority.
" The last point is the accusation implied of being a mere obstruction to the real strength of the army. This is very curious. I do not believe there are many men in the British Army who could outrun him, even now, and not one who could outride him or endure more fatigue."
" Urgent private affairs" have brought many an officer home from the Crimea. A correspondent of the Times aptly furnishes the following pithy despatch from the Great Captain, when suffering a diminution of officers from similar causes.
" Santa Marinha, March 23, 1811. " My dear Lord—I assure you that the departure of the General Officers from the Army was as much against my inclination as their arrival in Eng- land was injurious to the public interests. I did everything in my power to prevail upon them not to go, but in vain ; and I acknowledge that it has given me satisfaction to find that they have been roughly handled in the newspapers. The consequence of the absence of some of them has been, that in the late operations I have been obliged to be general of cavalry and of the advanced guard, and the leader of two or three columns sometimes on the same day. I have requested Colonel Torrena not to allow any General Officer to come out in future who is not willing to declare that he has no private business to recall him to England, and that he will remain with the Army as long as it shall stay in the Peninsula. " Believe me, &c. WELLINGTON. " The Earl of Liverpool."
" An Old Quartermaster-General," in the columns of the Times, en- gaged in a controversy with the "Commanding Royal Engineer," thus describes the condition of the camp at Aldershott, and compares it with that of the French camp at Boulogne- " The Aldershott camp is, literally, a regularly laid-out mass of huts in a slough, without roads, (except in three straight lines,) and without effectual drains; and there is nothing to learn, except what to avoid. The French camps at Boulogne occupy, for the same number of troops, about one-sixth of the space occupied at Aldershott ; they are fairly drained, and their roads are respectably made. Their huts require no iron stoves, to be afterwards replaced by brick flues ; they have been built and completed almost wholly by the troops themselves, without the benefit of a Commanding Royal En- gineer' or of 'Lords of the Treasury' ; and, if I am rightly informed as to both camps, the cost of those at Boulogne has been per man about one-tenth of that for which John Bull has paid and is still paying at Aldershott. . . . . I repeat the main points of my observations ; which show, by practical ex- amples which the Commanding Royal Engineer has not ventured to refute— first, that the public service is not conducted at Aldershott for purposes of instruction as efficiently as the nation has a right to expect; secondly, that this want of efficiency arises partly. from the system, and partly from the men of red tape, instead of professional vigour and ability, who act under that system; and thirdly, that to render our army as efficient in every branch as that of our neighbours, we have much to do in the reform of our military organization, for which the nation must look to the Minister of War."
Lord Howden has returned to his post at the Spanish capital : he had an " audience of the Queen, to pay his respects, on the 3d.
The veteran Radetzky celebrated his ninetieth birthday at Verona on the 5th : the Emperor and Empress of Austria forwarded felicitations to the Marshal by electric telegraph, The Archduke Maximilian is recovering from the effects of the accident at Trieste : the Emperor of Austria had visited him.
News arrived at Alexandria that Lady Emmeline Wortley was taken ill at Beyrout, and not expected to live. At Jerusalem a dislocated leg, and at Beyrout intermittent fever and dysentery afflicted herself ; while her daughter had sustained a coup de soleil. The unfortunate pair travelled in Syria in the hottest months.
A famous hunter, Sir Richard Sutton, died suddenly on Wednesday, in London. He was the well-known owner of the Cottesmore, and then the Quorn hounds, hunting the Melton country. Sir Richard was the son of Mr. John] Sutton ; whose father, Sir Richard Sutton, was formerly Under- Secretary of State. The late baronet is succeeded by his son Richard, born in 1820.
The Barracouta, captured on the 1st of August, in the sea of Okhotsk, the Bremen brig Greta, having on board 277 Russian sailors, part of the crew of the Russian frigate Diana, which was wrecked off Japan.
A mortar raft is in preparation in the dockyard at Woolwich, which will be so constructed as to float on four pontoons. The pontoons will serve as a powder-magazine and general store ; and the raft, with its heavy and destructive mortar, will be enabled to float in three feet of water.
Recruits are wanted for the Army : " Cato," in the Times, shows how they are not obtained from the Militia apparently on a frivolous nicety. Thirty-four men of the Denbigh Rifle Regiment volunteered to enter the Line ; the Militia surgeon had examined them, and certified that they were well fitted for service ; but a young assistant-surgeon of the Army rejected thirty-two on the ground that they were "flat-footed" ! Soon after the regiment was paraded, and volunteers asked for ; one is not surprised to learn that the men cried out, in discontented tones—" No, we'll not enlist : we're too flat-footed !"
The commanders of the Allied fleets have fixed the 20th of this month as the last day for neutral vessels to remain in the Sea of Azoff, as after that they will be in danger of being frozen in; up merchant-vessels will be allowed to enter after the 20th.
It is said that the prices of provisions in Simpheropol are now.thirtyfold what they were before the war.
The New Prussian Gazette gives the following biographical notice of Ge- neral Todtleben. " Francis Edward Todtleben was born at Mitau, in Cour- land, on the 20th of May 1818. His father was J. H. Todtleben, and his mother's maiden name was A. Sophia Sander. His father having removed his business to Riga, took there his young son, and soon after died. After receiving the first portion of his education in the schools of Riga, the young Todtleben was received at the College of Engineers in St. Petersburg ; where his name now shines, engraved in letters of gold, with the inscription, Se- bastopol.' When the war broke out he was second captain in the corps of Field Engineers he distinguished himself under General Schilders in the Danubian campaign, and repaired to the Crimea. What he did at Sebasto- pol belongs to history. Out of an open city he succeeded in raising, under the enemy's fire, a formidable fortress, that resisted for nearly a year the gigantic efforts of the Allied armies. In less than a year he passed through the grades of captain, lieutenant-colonel, full colonel, major-general, adju- tant-general ; and received, amongst other distinctions, the decoration of the 4th and then of the 3d class of the order of Saint George, which is only conferred for distinguished deeds. Seldom has a mere general of brigade received this high distinction. Besides himself, it was only conferred on his noble companion in arms at Sebastopol, Prince Wassiltehikoff; who, more fortunate than he, was able to remain at his post to the last hour, whereas Todtleben, having been wounded in the foot, had to be carried out of the besieged city. Strange to say, so rapid a promotion has not excited the least envy, but has been saluted with acclamations, as being due to real merit— to courage combined with genius."
According to a correspondent of the County Herald, Sir Joseph Paxton's first employment was that of errand-boy to Lord Hardwick, at Tittenhanger House, London Colney ; Sir Joseph's elder brother being at that time bailiff and gardener in the same service. The writer tells a story showing the ready resource of the future knight for escaping the effects of a whipping for loitering : he stuffed a quantity of hay under his jacket to break the effects of the blows he expected to receive, and did receive, from his incensed brother. The Birmingham Gazette contradicts stories for some time east current, that the "Hardware Village" carries on a traffic in supplying idols for the heathen market of India.
Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the weekending on Saturday last.
Ten Weeks of 154044.
Week of 1663.
Systolic Diseases
.... 217 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 41.2
64 Tubercular Diseases
. ... 167 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 109.0
131 Diseases of the heart and Blood-veasels 39.0 .... 41 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 177.0 .... 167 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 60.4 .... 62 Diseases of the Kidneys, fie 10.6 .... 11 Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, de 6.7 .... 10 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, Se 9.9 .... 6 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, fic 1.5
.... •
2 Premature Birth 27.2 .... 29 Atrophy
Age 40.4 .... 47 Sudden
.... 6 Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 24.9 „„ 21 Total (Including unspecified causes)
.-- 556 1028.1
" They manage these things differently in France." Pizala, an Italian, has been tried at Paris for the murder of his wife. The couple slept in se- parate but adjoining apartments; during the night Pizala thought he heard a man talking to his wife ; Pizala ordered her to open the door—she hesi- tated—he threatened to force it open ; she then opened it, and he imme- diately fired a pistol at her, inflicting a mortal wound. Pizala did not at- tempt to deny the homicide; but ho urged that his wife had been unfaith- ful for eighteen years ; when he heard a man's voice in his wife's room he was infuriated, and he shot her. Witnesses gave the prisoner a good character, but spoke very unfavourably of his victim. He was acquitted.
Collignon, a Paris cabman, has been tried for the murder of M. Juge. He had overcharged M. Juge for a ride ; the gentleman complained to the Pre- fect of Police, and the cabman was recommended to return 2 francs ; he bought a pair of pistols and ammunition, went to M. Juge's residence as if to pay the 2 francs, fired at M. Juge, mortally wounding him, and then fired at Madame Juge, but the ball merely grazed her neck. The murderer ex- pressed no regret for his crime : he " preferred death to the slavery to which such men as Juge would condemn working men." His advocate urged that Collignon must have been seized with madness ; but the Jury convicted, and the Judge condemned him to death.
Cholera has now entirely ceased in Madrid. Lisbon has had a slight visit- ation of the disease; some fifty cases are reported.
The last mails from South America tell that cholera was raging in Rio, especially among the Coloured population. At Bahia it was declining.
The Pasha of Egypt has refused to grant to the English "Bank of Egypt" any exclusive privileges : he did not object to the formation of the bank, but he would not pledge himself to give it any assistance.
Men employed to bore in the route of the proposed Suez canal have come upon hard rock,—a great shock to the calculations of M. de Leases, who expected no more expensive work than digging out sand or earth.
A cotton-spinning mill has been opened at Broach, in the Bombay Presi- dency. There are 15,000 spindles in the factory, and 500 people will be employed. Other mills are in course of erection in Bombay. A factory at Calcutta has yielded largo profits.
Up to the 1st September, the exports of gold from Victoria during this year amounted to 6,500,0001. ; it is expected they will reach 10,000,0001. by the end of the year. The produce at the Diggings is on the increase.
A so-called " frigate," the Wabash, screw-steamer, has been launched at the Philadelphia navy-yard. The Wabash is 262 feet 7 inches long between the perpendiculars ; and though denominated a frigate, she is " equal to a ship of the line." The Government are constructing five more of these big frigates.
A New York paper computes the immigration of this year into the United States as only half the amount of 1854.
The Montreal Gazette exposes a fraud in the flour trade : rogues buy up old barrels with the brands of good houses upon them ; these they fill with inferior or adulterated flour, and sell the barrels as containing the beat flour.
In the third quarter of this year the gold coined in the California Mint amounted in value to 7,488,615 dollars, the silver to 63,135 dollars.
CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday No- vember 16, 1855, including season-tickets, 7611.