THE return of the Prince of .Wales, on Thursday morning, re- lieved:the public mind of the strain of painful apprehension that was beginning to tell upon it, Universal satisfaction was felt when the telegraph reported the arrival of the Hero and the lauding of her precious freight. That 'the delay could be easily accounted for,' and that the apprehension was unreasonable,: only prove how deeply seated in the British mind is the feeling of loyalty- which a distinguished philosopher hasreeently told us is extinct in these enlightened ages. The Prince has had a rough passageilike any ether mortal who raison the broad Atlantic in winter time. No doubt it has done him' good, but we all feel how terrible a tragic ending been, and hew our noble Cousins in America would have been wrapped in mourning' • well as ourselves had the Prince never come home again. For England, for British North America; and for the United states, the year 1860 will be a red letter year since it 'ha e seen not Only demonstrations of loyalty from our colonies, but dernenatra.7, tions of the heartiest goodwill- to -Us on...the•part of the Amen- bans. We shall remember and the7 will remember the days *hen the Prince of Wales stood by the *vs of Washington, When he shoydr_hands witE- the- eld„falaer 'who had fought at Bunker's Hill, and when he saw on the monument recording that combat the itais of England 'and America. posting side by side. Let us henceforth live in peace, and if we ever•ght again May the soldieis of the two nations contend with. and for, and not' against each other !