Edinburgh is still agitated by the vexed question of the Annuity Tax. The voters elected a candidate in one ward, of whom it was known that ho would not act, in the hope that......
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f rail P.—The Emperor is to go to Compiegne for the bunting sea- son on the 20th. The Empress has left Paris for Scotland, on a visit to the Duchess of Hamilton. [Is this a mode......
Mr. Somerset Beaumont, The Brother Of Mr.wentworth...
a partner in the old established banking firm of Lambtou and Co., has issued an address to the electors of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He approves the foreign policy of the Government......
The Orangemen of Belfast have covered themselves with disgrace. Some time since, Bishop Knox prevented a clergyman from preaching an Orange sermon in Downpatrick Cathedral. The......