Mr. Somerset Beaumont, the brother of Mr.Wentworth Beaumont, M.P., and
a partner in the old established banking firm of Lambtou and Co., has issued an address to the electors of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He approves the foreign policy of the Government ; he hopes Italy will be free and independent ; he will watch vigilantly the expenditure upon national defences. He is in favour of "any measure of Parliamentary Reform which aims at extending the franchise to those who, by intelligence and position, are capable of exercising it for the public good, and I think that the rights of all those now in possession of the franchise should be re- spected." [This is very vague; but the explanation lies in the fact that the Newcastle constituency is to the extent of a third composed of free- men jealous of their privilege.) Hu will support a system of national but unsectarian education. Lastly, Mr. Beaumont says he has retired from business in order that he may give the whole of his time to the ser- vice of the constituency. Mr. Peter Carstairs, who contested the borough in 1857, and Mr. Peter Andrew Taylor, whose friends contested it in 1859 with Messrs. Headlam and Ridley, are both also candidates, but their chances are small against the powerful local influences supporting Mr. Beaumont.
It is reported that the Honourable Adolphus Liddell, a brother of Lord Ravenswortb, will be a candidate in the Conservative interest for Newcastle. Mr. Liddell was defeated at Gateshead in 1852. His Con- servatism is of a very Liberal cast, and he is personally a popular man.
The Reading writ is issued for the election, which will take place on Monday ; the poll, if any, on Tuesday.
..''Lord Lyttleton, Sir John Pakington, Mr. Adderley, and Sir J. Kay Shuttleworth, appeared as speakers at the Worcestershire Union of Mechanics' Institutes, on Tuesday. Lord Lyttleton approved of unions on the sacred principle, " that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." Sir J. K. Shuttleworth lamented the short period during which children were kept at school ; it ceased at twelve years of age in the population ordinarily, but an Act of Parliament provided that in the factory dis- tricts children should be kept at school to a later age. He looked to the spread of sound knowledge from Mechanics' Institutes to prevent dis- putes between masters and workmen. Sir John Pakington thought the average of twelve years was too high an average, as stated by Sir J. K. Shuttleworth. The children of the wealthy are employed in improving their education after twelve ; the children of workmen in forgetting what they had learnt. Education is the cause of the success of the wealthy ; this is proved by the Volunteers, who have become' in point of drill and skilful use of their weapons, in three months equal to the or- dinary army soldier in a year and a quarter. Why ? • Because one is better educated than the other. Hence the value- of. these institutes. Mr. Adderley advocated the plan of public examinations and rewards. It is the principle of competition which sustains the Volunteer move- ment, in trials of skill, not a fear of invasion.
• - Dr. Waldegrave, Bishop elect of Carlisle, was consecrated at York Minster, by the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of Durham and Ripon, on Sunday last. On the same day at Clifton. the Most Reverend Ferdinand English was consecrated Roman Catholic Archbishop 'of Trinidad.
The I.vds Chamber of Commerce met on Wednesday week, to receive a report upon the Treaty. There is to be an uniform duty of 15 per cent ad valorem upon the tissues de laine—all woven fabrics, of which wool forms the chief component part. There is no arrangement made as to milled or unmilled goods, but the deputation are hopeful as to the in- crease of trade to Leeds.
The Birmingham Chamber of Commerce met on Tuesday week to re- ceive the report of the deputation to Paris ; the list and prices of the manufacturers of Birmingham had been adopted by the French Commis- sioners who discarded the lists provided in France. The duties on wrought iron are fixed at the highest rate ; the duties on fenders, grates, hollow-ware, Sm., being partially of east iron, are reduced, and a Minute classification of articles was opposed by the deputation. Tools made entirely of steel are rated at 40 francs, but another class of iron, tools tipped only with steel only pay 18 francs. The Birmingham deputation caution their brother merchants against believing that the French will be easily competed with ; the French artisan is quick, and his master can take as many apprentices as he pleases, which is not so in England.
The Bradford (Wilts) division of magistrates met on Saturday at the Town Hall, in reference to Mr. Saunders' inquiry-. The Bench was divided in opinion as to whether their deliberations should be in private or public, but ultimately privacy carried the day. Two hours were spent in delibe- ration. The reporters were summoned and informed by Mr. Bradney, that the magistrates had resolved to forward a letter to the Times in reference to Mr. Saunders' proceedings. Some of the reporters asked if they were not also to have a copy of the letter, but Mr. Bradney curtly replied, That is the resolution we have come to, and that is all the answer we have to give." Mr. Saunders added, that he would be at Road on Monday ; he did not in-
vite anybody, but he should be glad to see any person. -
Mr. Saunders reopened his court of inquiry at Road on Friday week be- fore an audience smaller than ever. He apologized for being behind time and handed to the reporters a letter which, however, he did not wish made public, from "A Barrister," reflecting on his conduct. James Watts, a sergeant of police, stated that, on the 30th of June he opened the door of the boiler furnace, he saw something wrapped up there, and pulled it out. It appeared to be a shift wrapped up in a piece of brown paper. He took it to the stable to examine it, and called the attention of Dollimore to it ; the shift was very dirty ; it was dry ; but he did not think the stains had been on it a long time ; some of the blood was on the front and some on the back. He wrapped it up again, and as he was coming out [of the stable] he met Mr. Kent, who asked him what he had found, and said Mr. Parsons must see it. He did not let Mr. Kent see it, but handed it over to Superintendent Foley, and he had not seen the shift from that day to this. He asked Dollimore at Road fair what had become of it, and he told him that he was going to put it into the place from which it was taken, but one of the servant girls coming into the scullery, he put it down by the side of the boiler-hole. Police-constable Drch, on being appealed to, said he did not remember one-half of what Watts had statW. Watts proposed to cross-examine his subordinate, but this Mr. Saunders would not allow ; it was "not seemly." Mr. Foley declined to ask Watts any, question, or to add anything to his own statement, but he added that, when the shift was shown to him, he shuddered to think of the folly Of the man who could ex- pose it. He was satisfied it had nothing to do with the murder; it was shown to Mr. Stapleton, a surgeon, who expressed his surprise at its being exhibited to him ; he did not look at it through a microscope; The blood on the piece of paper found was fresh. "Allow mete say, sir," said Foley to Mr. Saunders, "that a good deal of the information you are getting has been the chit-chat of the village." Mr. Saunders : !' Exactly so, and I am getting it into shape." Foley did not know a man from London named Frederick Smith, or any one else from London, put into Mr. Kent's house on special detective service. He explained the movements of Whicher gicl himself, and added another homethrust :" If you had asked me, I think I could have satisfied you, that all matters you have gone into have been in- vestigated already." Mr. Saunders : "Excuse me, I differ from you." Foley kept respectfully hinting that the present inquiry would not elicit any new facts. Mr. Saunders said he was "not yet" struck out of the commis- sion of the peace, and although "not acting as a magistrate," he would not hesitate to follow the course he had defined for himself. Foley explained the rumour about Quanee ; he did not think Quance had ever stated that he saw Mr. Kent, or a man in his night dress, in a field near Road Hill House on the morning of the murder. Mr. Saunders had been informed that a lady had seen a person "whom she believed to be Mr. Kent" in front of Road Hill House on the morning of the murder. Mr. Foley had heard a statement to the same effect made anonymously, but inquiries had produced no result. Mr. Saunders wound up the proceedings of the day by stating that he had taken a house at Road, in the neighbourhood of Mr. Ivent's, to which he proposed going on leaving that hall ; he would be prepared "as a magistrate for the county of Wilts" to receive and act upon any informa- tion laid before him. He had with him the forms requisite, and would send for a clerk, or "act as magistrate and clerk." He would go on, regardless of comment, ever mindful of Nelson's words, "England expects every nurn to do his duty."
Mr. Saunders commenced on Monday with reiterating that he appeared there " as a private gentleman ;" he happened to be a Magistrate of the county of Wilts, and of course he was ready to act. The house he occupied at Road had been placed at the service of the police, but had never been oc- cupied by them ; Mr. Foley now proposed to make it a police station at once, but he would not consent to that. He next complained of the absence of the police officials, none being present above the rank of privates. He had sought interviews with the Attorney-General, Captain Harris, the Lord- Chancellor, Mr. Under-Secretary Clive, and had succeeded in seeing some, he did not say which ; his brother Magistrates consented to his coming to Road. By every word he had said in that room, and by every word be had written, he WAS prepared to abide, as a man of probity and honour; it was necessary for him to take care in the statements he made. Ile denied the truth of the letter to the 7Ymes; what he had done was with the full know- ledge of his brother Magistrates. They had withdrawn their sanction, concurrence, or whatever it might be. Mr. Saunders then described his proceedings on Saturday ; he had been to Bristol, wherehe visited several pub- lic institutions, amongst others the gaol, where he was locked up, but he was afterwards let out. As nobody came forward to give evidence, Mr. Saunders proceeded to give evidence in favour of himself, in the form of a short auto- biographical sketch. He was a native of the town of Bradford. He went to school there in his early days, and then went to Warminster, and thence to Westminster School. From there he went to the University of Oxford, and became a member of a certain college, on the books of which his name still appeared. After passing his examination, he entered at Lincoln's Inn, and in 1831 he was called to the bar. In 1833, the then Lord-Chancellor put him in the commission of the peace, and from that time to the present he had been a Magistrate for the county of Wilts. Whether he was en- gated in a commercial undertaking with the nobleman holding the highest .o under the Crown did not concern the public. He was, however, known to the Directors of the Bank of England, and had certain private accounts 'with bankers at London, Bath, and Brighton. He did not feel it necessary to say more than that be was an original member of the Royal Agricultural Society, a member of the Royal Horticultural Society, and that his name was Thomas Busk Saunders. This closed the inquiry on Monday.
After another day of utterly ineffective gossip, Mr. Saunders adjourned his impertinent inquisition sine die.
The shop of Mr. Cohen, a jeweller of Sheffield, was entered on Friday night ; jewellery to the value of 10001. was carried off. The detective offi- cers went into a populous locality—the Park ; reaching the bottom of Duke Street, they heard the sound of rapid footsteps behind. Two men, Haw- ley and Hayes, notorious thieves, ran up ; on searching them, keys were found fitting Mr. Cohen's premises. The plunder was discovered at the house of the mother of Hayes. The three were remanded by the magis- trate.
What is the use of the lash ? Wetherell, a recruit at Woolwich, made away with his necessaries and deserted, was tried by court-martial, and sentenced to receive a flogging and imprisonment. Ile underwent his sen- tence, but declared that no punishment should make him perform any mili- tary duty. Again tried by court-martial, be received a similar sentence; the fifty lashes were inflicted on Friday week, and after his release from the infirmary lie will be confined to gaol for eighty-four days, in reference to which he says, " that the prison is more agreeable than the barracks."
On Sunday evening, a young gentleman of respectable appearance pre- sented himself before the two sentinels at the gate on Castle Hill, Windsor ; they stopped him, stating that it was the royal entrance, on which he said "I am the Prince of Wales ;" the sentinels presented arms and let him pass. He afterwards succeeded in passing the sentinels at the York and -Lancaster Towers ; and, having got into the quadrangle, he entered the castle by the Augusta Tower. Proceeding along the passages he was met by one of the royal servants, who inquired his business ; when he said, "I am the Prince of Wales, and am going to see my mother, the Queen." The servant told him he would accompany him, and introduced him to Superin- tendent Baker, who, believing the young gentleman insane, conveyed him to the safe keeping of Mr. Pullin' of the Old Windsor Union. The young man is the son of an independent gentleman, residing near Blackheath, to whom he was handed over on the Tuesday following. He had recently been discharged from a private lunatic asylum, under the impression that he was cured.