The New Zealand trouble is far from settled. General, Pratt
has, compelled Xing.and his fellows to seek the bush, but lie has' not reduced them to subniission. Fresh allies of the native who's'', have appeared in the p,ers'ons of the'rashOp.and his clergy, and the Opposition nietabers in, the Assembly at Auckland. It is quite, possible that the Government may have deli° many injudicious 'things. in dealing•with the ',lathes ut. Taranaki, but that &ea not justify the wholesale and 'vehement usieverations of Mr Superin- tendent FeetherSIOn and Archdeacon Hadfield. The conduct. of 'William King at all events is barely .defensible iby anybody ex-, .cept.ii retained counsel, and the clergy would promote the tereste of their proselytes 'far better by dealing justly and toler- antly with their White brethren. But there seems to be mom joy in New Zealand.over•ohe.Native Christian, than over a whole governnient of European Christians. We fear that purely priestly. as opposed to practical and netfonal interests have but too much" to do with these desolating quarrels.