On the 20th of September, at Mussoore.:, the Wife of Patrick Carnegy, Esq., Deputy-Commissioner of Lucknow, of a son.
On the 30th, at Nuvrera Rita, in Ceylon, Lady Creasy, of a son. On the 7th of November, at Farnham. Surrey, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick L. C. Paget, late Scots Fusilier Guards, of a daughter. On the 7th, at 72, Eaton Place, Mrs. J. W. C. Hartopp, of a son. On the 8th, at Elford, the Wife of Colonel Charles Bagot, of a son. • On the 12th, at 29, Berkeley Square, Lady Wenlock,ofa son. On the 13th, at 47, Eaton Place, Viscountess Ingestre, of a sou and heir.
On the 13th, at 1, Chesil= Street, the Honourable Mrs. Boutine, of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 27th of September, at Nun-era Ellie, Ceylon, Alexander Young Adams, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service, to Julia Onofra Lepel, daughter of the late Sir Henry George On the 7th, at Neufchatel, Switzerland' Hugh Gordon, Esq., of Strathbogie, New England, New South Wales, to Caroline Eliza, youngest daughter of Admiral Hol- linworth, Clarence Parade, Soutlisea.
On the 8th, at Barstow, Herefordshire, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, the Reverend Humphrey Allen, M.A., Incumbent of Tri- nity Church, Clifton, and Rural Dean of Bristol, to Virginia, youngest daughter of • the late J. Riley, Esq., of Abbey House, Surrey.
On the 8th, at the parish church, Hope, Lieutenant-Colonel E.G. Maynard, 88th Connaught Rangers, to Gertrude, third daughter of C. B. Trevor-Roper, Esq., of Plas Teg Park, Flintshire.
On the 8th, at Lewin', Bead Chapel, Bristol, Sir John Bowring, LL.D., F.R.S., late her Majesty's Plenipotentiary in China, to Deborah, daughter of the late Thomas Castle, Esq., of Clifton. - On the 8th, at Burford, Oion, the Reverend Theodore Francis, of Ickford, Bucks, to Harriet Eliza, eldest daughter of the late Sir Charles Wentworth Burdett, Bart.
On the 13th, at Tunbridge Wells, Sir John Henry Petty, Bart., of Warnham Court, Sussex, to Blanche Elizabeth, third daughter of the Reverend Frederick Vincent, Prebendary of Chichester, and Rector of Slinfold, Sussex.
On the 25th of September, at Pooree, of fever, Stephen, the third son of the Right Bonourable Dr. Lushington, aged thirty. On the 23d of October, at Toronto, Canada, the Honourable Peter Boyle de Blaquiere.
On the 7th of November, at Mount Juliet, county Kilkenny, the Honourable Charles Harward Butler Clarke Southwell Wandesforde, third son of the 17th Earl of Ormonde, in his eighty-first year. On the 7th, at Stackpole Court, Pembroke, the Earl of Can-doe, aged seventy.
On the 7th, at Tenby, Lieutenant-Colonel Wedgwood, late Scots Fusilier Guards, aged sixty-three.
On the 7th, at 9, Norfolk Crescent, Bath, the Reverend Charles Yates, B.D., formerly Fellow of St. John's o Cambridge, Vicar of Hohne, on Spalding Moor, and late Rural Dean of Westllarthill, Yorkshire.
On the 8th, at Firle Place, the residence of Viscount Gage, the Honourable Mrs. Edward Gage.
On the 9th, John William Parker, junior, of West Strand, in his (erg-first year. On the 0th, at his residence, Stone House, Lewisham High Road, Mr. Alderman Wire, aged fifty-nine.
On the 9th, at her residence, 7, Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, Eliza, relict of Sir Henry Willock, K.L.S., late of Castelriau House, Mortlake.
On the 11th, at his son's residence, after a long illness, George Scharf, Esq., artist and painter of scientific subjects, aged seventy-two.
On the 12th, at Pernbridge Place, Bayswater, Clara, second surviving daughter of the late Colonel Des Barres, formerly Governor of the Island of Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island, in North America.