'SO grtropolio.
The usual banquet at the Guildhall, took place on the 9th, as reported in part of our impression last week. Lord Palmerston, Lord John Rus- sell, and the principal Cabinet Ministers were present. The French, the Sardinian, and the Persian Ambassadors were there, and also a large con- tingent of the chiefs of the Conservative party. The principal speeches delivered were those of M. de Persigny and Lord Palmerston. M. de Persigny, on behalf of the Ambassadors,. spoke as follows, using his mother tongue- " I am quite sure that the wishes which have just been expressed for the continuance of peace will be received with lively satisfaction by the whole of the diplomatic body in London. I see the proof of it in that spirit of wisdom and of moderation which so happily exhibits itself in the conduct of the European Governments, and especially in the sacrifices which, in one way or another, all the Great Powers are making in the interests of the general peace. For the friendly words which the Lord Mayor has addressed to France and to her august Sovereign I deeply thank him. It is not the first time that, in the midst of the preoccupations of the public mind, the City of London has expressed feelings of confidence and security. The reason of this is simple : with that practical spirit of business which has raised this great City to so high a point of riches and power, it has been the first to see that which many politicians do not seem yet sufficiently to understand— namely, that, instead of those rival interests which we formerly witnessed in every part of the world, it has come to pass through the development of our manufacturing and commercial existence that not only do we possess a '
great number of interests in common but that no longer in any part of the world have we any interest that is hostile. Why, then, these anxieties, suspicions, these mistrusts, which on every incident of policy are generated on both sides of the channel ? It is because we cannot efface in a day the traces of so many centuries of rivalry and strife ; it is because, in spite of ourselves, and unwittingly, we are both of us still too much disposed to look at the events of the present through the mag- nifying and deceptive glasses of the recollections of the past. But, thank Heaven, the reason, the good sense, the interests of the two nations, tends every day to dissipate these falsifying mirages ; for every day men's minds are more clearly and more positively impressed with this main considera- tion, that, having everything to lose, and nothing to gain by new contests, the two nations can mutually derive as many benefits from peace as they could inflict injuries on themselves by war. That, gentle- men, is the true truth ; that is what we understand in France, as well
i as you can understand it n England; that, in short, is the meaning of the great economical revolution which the Emperor has just accomplished in France by the treaty of commerce, and of which the vast compass, in pro- portion as it becomes more known and better appreciated in England, will confound the accusations of which we have been the object, and will further cement peace between the two countries."
Lord Palmerston spoke for her Majesty's Ministers. The substantial parts of his speech were these. Ministers did not meet them with gloomy forebodings. The general prospect is satisfactory. In China we have been acting cordially with the Emperor. Then he said that there should be equality of force between great nations. On the Conti- nent they have great armies. We redress the balance by fortifying vul- nerable points, by our Militia and Volunteers, and above all by our powerful navy. "I say this in the presence of the representatives of foreign and allied powers. (Cheers.) I say it in a spirit of frankness, of cordiality, of friend- ship, of alliance, and of peace. (Cheers.) We wish for peace with all nations ; and alliance ; but we are determined by the manly dignity of our position to prove to them that we are worthy to retain and enjoy that friendship and alliance." (Cheers.) Speaking of recent commercial changes, he said, "I trust., gentlemen, that those changes which have been made will not only tend to cement more closely the ties of friendship and alliance between England and France, but that the example thus nobly set by the French Emperor' in overcoming long standing prejudice and giving full effect to the true theories of commerce, may be followed by other Governments on the Continent who are not so advanced in commercial enlightenment, and that from year to year we shall find those commercial relations which are the greatest links of peace gradually and rapidly extending throughout the whole European Continent." (Loud cheers.)
Mr. Gladstone Lord Brougham, General Peel, and Lord John Russell also made speeches.
The Salter's Company entertained Lords Palmerston and John Russell, the Duke of Somerset, and other guests, at their hall in the City, on Wednesday night. "The Navy, the Army, and the Volunteers," were answered for by the First Lord of the Admiralty and Colonel MIlurdo ; but no Volunteer answered for -his comrades (an omission nearly always observable ; in fact, the Volunteere might be designated as our absent friends" on festive occasions). Lord Palmerston- answered for himself; he eulogised the City companies, the spirit of trade' and dwelton the value of the good opinion of commercial men to the Government. Be
- -
assured the company that so long as the foreign affairs of this country were conducted by Lord Alin Russell they would be "carried on in a milliner consistent with the interests, the dignity, and the honour of Great Britain." Lord John Russell had ever been "the friend and champion of the principles of freedom, and he has lately to perform duties' connected with the development' of freedom in one of the most in- teresting countries in Europe "—
" You have seen him watching the progress of events in Italy, a country to which he has not only directed the energies of his mind but of which he has a knowledge acquired by personal visits. You have seen him at one time endeavouring to cheek those rash impulses which threatened to renew wars which if renewed might have blighted all the best hopes of Italian
freedom. You have seen him on the other hand using the great power and influence of England to exhort other countries to follow her example by ab- staining from all interference with the events passing in the Peninsula, and by leaving the Italians to settle their own affairs according to their own views of their own interests. I trust gentlemen, that before long my noble friend will see the accomplishment of his earnest wishes, and will be able to witness the triumphant success of the principles of which he has been so steady, so persevering, and so consistent an advocate." (Cheers.)
Lord Palmerston spoke in an animated manner touohing the reception of the Prince of Wales in Canada and the United States ; the reception by the Americans in the States, he trusted would be ever generously remembered by the people of this country. Lord John Russell urged the importance of national defences, and coming to his own department he said, following up Lord Palmerston's remarks- " Of this, gentlemen, I am persuaded, that he who is charged with the Fo- reign Department of a great country like this need not have recourse to those wiles, those intrigues, and those subterfuges which are supposed to
form the proper trade and the proper weapons of a diplomatist. My con- viction is that in speaking the language of truth and justice—speaking it calmly and with moderation, but yet with firmness, never disguising the
truth, the influence of this country is to be sustained and augmented, with- out any of those intrigues to which those who think themselves clever di- plomatists are apt to resort. Such, gentlemen, is the view which the pre- sent Government have adopted. When they assumed Office; there was a
great contest going on in the shape of an active war, which presently ceased, but then took another form. In that contest a great country, eminently
civilized, full of men of talent and genius, men of an aspiring disposition, took a part. The question was, what was the fitting course for the English Government to pursue ? The course which we punned from the corn-- mencement, which was announced by my noble friend in the House of Commons, which we have repeatedly declared since then, and which my
right honourable friend, the Home Secretary, stated last year in the Guild- hall, on Lord Mayor's Day, was this—that we should do everything in our power to give the Italians fair play, to leave them to settle their Govern- ment for themselves, and to say what manner of Government, and what- persons to conduct it, they deemed best suited to advance their own interests. And if, gentlemen, in the course of the changes which have taken place, the Italian people have thought fit to call another Prince of another family
to assume the rule over them with a view to obtain good government, I think that, seeing it is what we have done ourselves, we should be the last persons to blame them. And when, we reflect further that that act of our ancestors, that expulsion of a Sovereign who had misgoverned, that call to the throne of a Prince endowed with heroic guelities, has given us 170
years of liberty and proirrity—ot liberty, I believe as great as any people ever enjoyed, of prosperity as remarkable as the history of any part of the globe will furnish—I say, when such have been the consequences, it is not for us to censure others, who, following our example, hope for the same liberty and the same prosperity." (Cheers.) Lord John concluded by asking a generous forbearance for Lord Elgin, who was placed in a most difficult position 15,000 miles away. Lord Palmerston proposed the health of the Warden. The Company annually elects its chief, a very good plan ; but Lord Palmerston does not wish the principle of an annual election applied to the company of which he is the head—the Cabinet.
The electors of Southwark held a public meeting on Wednesday night, at the Horse Repository, and resolutions were passed in favour of Mr. Seovell, the wharfinger, requesting him to become a candidate. Mr. Pellatt and Mr. Fawcett continue their canvass in the borough. Mr. Fawcett is afflicted with total blindness, which is no legal disqualifica- tion, nor an objection at all his friends contend. Mr. Fawcett is a social science economist, and is recommended by Lord Brougham.
Mr. Apsley Pellatt has issued an address to the electors of Southwark. Mr. H. Fawcett, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge addressed a meeting on Saturday, and had a vote of appwval passed, "that his qualifications are deserving of careful consideration by the constituency." Mr. George Seovell issued his address on Thursday, and speaks confi- nently of success. He is for extension of education, and also for the franchise to lodgers ; against Church-rates, and supports civil and re- ligious liberty.
The vacant aldermanie gown for Walbrook Ward, of which the late Mr. Wire was alderman, is hotly contested. Mr. John Linldater, the eminent solicitor, Mr. G. I. Cockerell, Mr. H. E. Manell, and Mr. I. C. Lawrence are candidates.
At the meeting of the Royal Geogtaphical Society on Monday, Dr. Shaw read a characteristic letter from Captain Burton who travelling
in America in search of health, which,judging from h is
high spirits, he seems to have found. He was at Salt Lake city, among the Saints, on the 7th of September; he hoped to reach San Francisco in October, and home in November. He says that the road to San Francisco was beset by Indians, but he had cropped his hair so close that his scalp was not worth having. He hopes to return in a state of complete renovation, he says, and adds "perfectly ready to leave a card upon Muata Yarwo, or any tyrant of that kind."
On Friday week the case of Mr. and Miss Shedden, upon a petition for a declaration of legitimacy, was commenced before the Court of Divorce, sitting in full court. The counsel for the petitioners, Sir Hugh Cairns Mr. Macaulay, Dr. Phillimore, Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Beasley, declared that they had not time to make themselves masters of the case, and, as the Court would not grant an adjournment, they retired. Thereupon, Miss Shedden, opened the case herself.
Miss Shedden's opening address occupied the whole of the day. She de- livered it in a very distinct tone and without hesitation. Her statement
was generally clear, and her diction was remarkably correct. She claimed i • the indulgence of the Court in the painful task she had undertaken ; she alluded to the vast amount of labour in connexion with the ease which God had given her the power, by means unknown to herself, of going through ; and she trusted to lay before their lordships such evidence that they would arrive at the conviction for which she and her father had sacrificed fortune and liberty, and were ready to lay down their lives. It might be said that it was a bold thing for a woman to come into that court and plead. It was most painful to her, but it was her duty to defend her father and her mother from the imputations which had been cast upon them. It might also be said that she was making a precedent for ladies to plead their own causes ; but this was an unparalleled case, and she was sure that no one who knew how painful was the position in which she was placed would willingly follow her example. The substance of Miss Shedden's statement was as follows—In the middle of the last century, John Shedden lived on his estate at Roughwood, in Ayrshire, and had several children. He had a sister married to John Patrick, who owned and lived upon a neighbouring estate, called Triarn. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick had three sons—Robert, born in 1764; John, born in 1768; and William, one of the respondents, born in 1770. In 1764, William, the eldest son of John Shedden, being then about fifteen years old, went to Virginia, and took a situation in a mercantile firm. Ile returned to Scotland in 1768, and again went to America in 1770. He soon afterwards became a partner in the firm of M'Cull and Shedden, carried on business with success in Virginia, and was about to return to England, when the revolution broke out in America. During the war, he adhered to the Royalist side, and on one occasion had to fly for his life from Virginia. A vessel in which one of hia sisters had taken her passage to America was captured by the Americans, and the steps that he took to obtain her release obliged him to remain. He took up his residence at Bermuda, and there established a new house of business. When peace was restored in 1783, he made preparations to return home, but waited to prosecute his claim for compensation for the losses he had suffered in the war before the commis- sioners appointed to investigate claims of that nature, who sat at New York. From that time until his death, he continued at New York. In 1785, he married Rachel Kennedy, who died the following year, leaving one child, Annabelle. He became acquainted with David Wilson, formerly an officer in the British army, who occupied a farm a short distance from the city. David Wilson had two daughters, Margaret, married to a Mr. Nugent, and Ann, then a girl of about sixteen years of age. William Shedden be- came attached to Ann Wilson, and in 1789 he married her in the presence of witnesses, and according to the form recognized as law- ful in that State, but without any religious ceremony. He took her to live with him as his wife at New York, introduced her into society, and they were both of them highly honoured and esteemed. He also look a house in the country, opposite her father's farm, and occasion- ally stayed with her there. Their two children were born, the daughter in 1792, and the son in 1794. Mrs. Shedden was a liberal woman, and she was . associated with several ladies of the highest standing in works of clarity ; she always bore an honourable character, she brought up her children carefully, and was in the habit of taking them to church. In 1791, John Patrick went to New York, and visited frequently at his uncle's house, and must have been well acquainted with the state of his family. In 1798, another relative, Robert Shedden, the son of John Shedden, of London, also weut to New York, and was received with great kindness by Mr. Shedden. In 1798, Mr. Shedden had a severe illness, and on the 13th of November in that year he died. It would be contended on the other side that a few days previous to his death he was persuaded to go through the ceremony of marriage, for the first time, with the Indy who had been living with him as his wife; and a copy of a letter addressed by him to William Patrick just before his death, in which he said he had married Miss Wilson and restored her and her children to honour and credit, would be produced to support that allegation, but the original of that letter was not forth- coming. William Shedden, by his will, left his son, the petitioner, under the guardianship of William Patrick, writer to the signet in Edinburgh, whose father, Mr. Patrick, of Triers], had during his absence acted as his agent. In February, 1799, William Patrick obtained an order by which he was appointed judicial factor of the estates of his deceased uncle, and then, by a proceeding called a "service," put his brother, Robert Patrick, into possession of them, in pursuance of a verdict and a " retour" issued from the Chancery to the effect that William Shedden died without law- ful issue. Soon afterwards the petitioner, then a boy, was sent home from America. He was sent to school by Mr. Patrick, and remained until 1809, when he went into the Navy. His mother, Mrs. Shedden, remained in America, not having the means of coming to England or of coping with the Patncks, and within two years she died. The boy was kept in total ignorance of his family affairs and of the various legal pro- ceedings which were at different times instituted, and not having kept up any communication with his friends in America, he was unable to obtain in- formation. In 1815, he left the navy and went to India, and in course of time became a partner in a mercantile house at Calcutta. A friendly cor- respondence was carried on between him and the Patricks, and in 1823, when he revisited England, he went down to stay with them in Scotland. While he WAS at the house of Robert Patrick, his attention was called to a book about the families of Ayrshire, and he there saw with astonishment that his father was represented as the last of his line, that his father's pro- perty had been transferred to Mr. Patrick, and that he must therefore be illegitimate. He asked for explanations, and Mr. l'atrick told him a long and complicated tale which he could not understand. He returned to India for a time, but, not being able to obtain any satisfactory explanation, he set on foot inquiries which resulted in his instituting proceedings to establish his legitimacy and vindicate the honour of his mother.
In the course of Miss Shedden's address, the Court intimated that it would be convenient to hear the argument upon the question of the effect of the previous judgments before entering into the merits of the case. On Saturday the Judges heard the arguments as to the operation of the previous judgments upon this petition, which they decided did not affect it, and ordered the case to go on on the merits. On subsequent days, Miss Shedden continued her address, and examined her aunt, her father's sister, in proof of the petition.
On Wednesday the examination of witnesses WAS resumed, in proof of the
facts opened by Miss Shedden. A new counsel, Mr. Phear, appeared in her support to argue questions of law. The depositions taken by a commission in America were also read. Many of these were aged persons who knew the elder Shedden and his wife. Dr. Anthon, the clergyman of St. Mark's, New York, proved that no record of marriages was kept at the church. Three New 'York counsel stated the law of the State : marriage was inferred if the parties treated each other as man and wife.
An assistant overseer, named Guilder, collected rates, and by means of statements to the overseers that he had paid the moneys into the bank, obtained their receipt; he applied the moneys to his own use. He was found guilty at the Summer Assizes, but Mr. Baron Wilde reserved the question as to embezzlement. The Court for the consideration of Crown Cases Reserved, thought there had been an embezzlement notwithstanding the receipts, and affirmed the conviction on Saturday. On the same day, a conviction of Tongue, the secretary of a money club was affirmed ; he had been directed to get better security from a borrower or sue him ; he ob- Mined the money due, and applied it to his own use, but returned the pro- missory note to his trustees, saying he had got better security. Mr. Re- corder Hill had reserved the question, Did the prisoner receive the note as clerk and servant, or as owner, by endorsement to enable him to sue ? The Court thought as clerk ; Mr. Justice Crompton doubtfully assented.
An ignorant man, Crawshaw, was found guilty upon an indictment for keeping a lottery and selling tickets. The Jury recommended him to mercy on the ground that he did not appear to know he was breaking the law. It was contended that he ought to have been summarily convicted, not indicted. But the Court held that so far back as the time of William III., lotteries had been pronounced public nuisances, and therefore an indictment would lie. The conviction was affirmed.
Oliver was convicted, under an indictment for cutting and wounding with intent to commit some grievous bodily harm, of a common assault. His counsel contended that he was not convicted of an offence charged ha the indictment ; but the Court affirmed the conviction.
Job Timmins, the man convicted at the Old Bailey of the abduction of Ann Butler, has had the judgment affirmed against him. His suggestion was that the girl was willing to leave with him ; but the Court held that the law was for the protection of parental rights, which could not be barred by any consent on the part of a child under sixteen years of age.
The Ilungerford Market Company and the City Steamboat Company am litigating the question whether, the Market Company have the right to ad- mit other companies' passengers to be landed at lower rates than thew of the City—as for instance, the penny boats. The Queen's Bench, on Tuesday, took time to consider.
Mr. Cobbett, the prisoner in the Queen's Bench, whose wife is almost cele- brated for her persevering forensic efforts to procure her husband's release, was really brought up under a habeas corpus, at last obtained by Mrs. Cob- bett, on .Tuesday. The point upon which Mr. Cobbett relies for his dis- charge, is purely technical—viz, whether as a mortgagee ho is liable for a defendant's costs. The Chief Justice said the point was fairly open to con- sideration on a future day.
William Thompson was committed to the House of Correction at Preston for six months for an assault upon a woman ; the charge made before the Magistrates was a felonious intent, and ought, Thompson's counsel con- tended, to have been tried by a jury. The Court of Queen's Bent& refused a habeas corpus, but granted a rule nisi to set aside the summary convic- tion, on the ground that the commitment did not specify whether the im- prisonment was with, or without, hard labour.
Mr. Scott Russell had an award made in his favour by which the Great Ship Company were ordered to pay him 18,000/. In .August, 1857, Mr. Russell had made a contract with the company for repairs to the Great Eastern for 125,0001.; but extras had increased it to 129,000/. Disputes arose ; the matter was referred to arbitration, and the award was made for 18,0001., and Mr. Russell was to give a release on payment. On Monday, the Queen's Bench granted a rule to show cause why the 18,000/. should not be paid, or the award referred back to the arbitrators for reconsideration.
Mr. Kelly, a surgeon at Pinner, used the title of Doctor of Medicine so as to imply that he was registered under the Act 21 and 22 Vic. cap. 90. Re was registered, in 1856, as a Member of the College of Surgeons and the Society of Apothecaries. Brought before the magistrates, he pleaded that he was a Doctor of Medicine in the University of Erlangen, in Bavaria. On Wednesday, a "case stated" was tried in the Exchequer. Gustavus Morris Strauss, Ph.D., Berlin, proved the genuineness of the diploma, and was confirmed by Adolph Reinecher, M.D., of Berlin, who stated also that degrees in philosophy could be purchased in Germany, but not for medicine. The Court decided that the diploma was proved, and that the defendant was justified in calling himself what he pleased, provided he was registered as a surgeon.
A shopkeeper sold, on a Sunday morning, about half-past twelve and during the hours of Divine service, a mixture as port wine, which on exa- mination was found to contain one ounce of alcohol in every four. Was this a breach of the statute 11th and 12th Vic. cap. 69? Justices in Potts' Sessions held it was so, and the Common Pleas, on Friday week, coufirmea their decision.
The churchwardens of Hadleigh, Suffolk, issued a notice to the parishion- ers that a meeting would be held to examine the parish accounts. A cherub- rate was made, but disputed by the parishioners. TheComtuon Pleas was asked to prohibit the Arches Court proceeding in a suit. The question turned upon the validity of the notice ; the Court held it was good, as it fulfilled all the purposes required.
Mr. Mare, the great ship-builder, was indebted to Mr. Hazard in 2701. Being sued, Mr. Mare "pleaded" that after his bankruptcy Mr. Hazard had accepted a composition of 4s. in the pound, secured by Mr. Peter BAN which was to be paid in cash within fourteen days. The composition was not paid as agreed, but was paid into court. Mr. Hazard "demurred" that non-payment within fourteen days revived his claim in full, and the Court of Exchequer has taken time to consider the point.
The Court of Exchequer, on Tuesday, made the rule for a new trial absolute, in the case of Irwin and Lever, arising out of the Galway Packet Contract.
Mr. Lancelot Shadwell married Miss Ellen Nichol, and Charles Shadwell agreed on the marriage to settle 150/. a year on his nephew during Charles's life, until Lancelot's insome as an equity counsel should amount to 600 guineas a year. The marriage took place, and during eighteen years, in which the income of 600 guineas was never realized, the 150/. became due, and thirteen of the annual payments were made. Mr. Charles Shadwoll
died, and his executors were sued for five years' annuity. They "pleaded." that the marriage did not take place at the request of their testator, and,
consequently, there was no " consideration" for the payments; that also the promise was made on the faith of Mr. Lancelot Shadwell continuing in practice as counsel, but that he had voluntarily, and without "leave assd. licence" from the testator, abandoned the profession and practised only as a revising barrister. The plaintiff's "replication" set out that after his uncle's letter he had married Ellen Nichol, relying on his uncle's promise, and that his income did not amount to 600 guineas, that the agreement was contained in the letter of the uncle. To this there was a " demurrer," that the "replications" were bad in substance. The defendants argued that, by
retiring from the profession, the plaintiff had put it out of his own power las comply with the condition as to income ; the plaintiff argued that by marry- ing he had executed the consideration, and consequently the testators repre- sentatives were liable upon the promise to pay. The Court took time to consider this matrimonially knotty point.
A Miss Couron hired a piano of Mr. Langrnead, the piano manufacturer ix Grafton Street ; her goods were distrained by her landlord for rent, and Langtnead sued the landlord in the Bail Court, on Friday week, for the value of the instrument, which was stated by Langmead to be 251., bat by the landlord at N. lOs. Mr. Justice Crompton left it to the Jury to say whether the other goods were sufficient to cover the rent—in which caw the sale of the piano was illegal, whether it was an article of trade, and if the taking of it was excessive. The Jury answered all the questions in the affirmative, and assessed the damages at 20/. By arrangement, they are to be reduced to is. on the piano being returned.
Another case for an excessive distraint was tried in the Exchequer on the same day. Miss Wilkinson took a house in Islington from a Mr. Powis at 100/. per annum. Falling into arrear, she was destrained upon ; a broker, the defendant Ibbett, seized all the goods on the premises, including sonic belonging to Miss 'Wilkinson's father. The broker valued at 291., the rent being 26/., but the sale realized 66/. Wilkinson sued the broker, whose counsel argued that the plaintiff was not entitled to recover, unless he could show that more of his goods were sold than was necessary. But Mr. Baron Martin held differently ; if ten persons lodged in a house, and ten times the amount of rent were seized, could they not bring an action ? A land- lord might seize and sell sufficient to pay his rent only. Verdict for 40/. damages.
Edward Careswell, in 1689, founded a charity by his will. In 1738, an information was filed, and has been revived by Earl Powis, Messrs. Lloyd and Child, two gentlemen of Shropshire, and the Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, against six masters of the principal schools of Shropshire, from which eighteen exhibitions to the charity are taken. The scheme was pro- posed 41743, since which a large increase of income has taken place. The cheese presented took points for discussion. Ought the original ific tion of poverty as defined by Careswell to be maintained, and the locus in quo for the prize examination ? The Dean of Christ Church asked that the examination should be held at Oxford ; but Vice-Chancellor Kindersley, on Saturday, decided in favour of Shrewsbury, and for the maintenance of the poverty qualification.
Mr. Holmes employed Sims, a country solicitor, to conduct his ease in a Chancery suit. An order was made upon Mr. Holmes to produce all docu- ments at the (Ake of Messrs. Mead and Daubeny, the London agents of Sims - he died in 1859, his bill was paid, and a balance still remained due to Holmes. Sims was also indebted to his agents in boot, of which 112/. were agency costs in Holmes' suit, for payment of which they claimed a lien upon the papers. But Vice-Chancellor Wood decided, on Monday, that they had no lieu; there was nothing due from the country client to the country attorney to whom the London agents had given credit, and they could only have a lien to the extent of that of their principal; in this case
there was none. . .
The late John Sadlier, receiver of the Portarling,ton estates, proved a defaulter; one of his sureties was ordered to pay into court 4700/., which he did, and it proved to be 289/. more than was necessary. Mr. Norris, &d- ikes representative, asked that the claim of Mr. Hickie, Sadlier's agent, should be gone into, as it might benefit the account ; but Vice-Chancellor Kindersley, on Monday, refused to grant any delay, on the ground that Mr. Hickie's claim was well-known to all parties.
Are Volunteers exempt from the Waterloo Bridge toll ? John Sycamore, one of the collectors, was brought before Mr. Burcham on Saturdav' to answer the complaint of Mr. Puckle, one of the London Scottish Corps. Mr. Puckle was in full uniform, but without his side arms or rifle, they being at head-quarters, whither he was proceeding across the bridge to Westminster. The regulation was to deposit the arms. The defendant urged that he could not know Mr. Puckle was on duty if he was without side-arms ; but Mr. Burcham decided the collector was wrong, and ordered him to pay the costs : no penalty was asked for.
Charles Jacobs, late footman to Mrs. Davis, residing in Woburn Place, Russell Square., was charged at Bow Street on Tuesday with stealing a large quantity of plate. The prosecutrix deposed—" The prisoner has been two years in my service ; on Monday, the 5th of November, I gave him notice to leave that day month, as he was always getting tipsy. On that day, he asked leave to go out; I gave it reluctantly, as I was afraid he would get tipsy again. On Thursday, in consequence of his absence, I looked to the plate, and missed seventy-three silver spoons, forty-two silver forks, and some articles, of which I now produce a list." Fifty-two pawnbrokers' duplicates relating to plate were found on Jacobs, and he was remanded, that the pawnbrokers might attend.
Benjamin Tomkius Allen, a carpenter, John Filder, Thomas Naughton, and Francis Bell, labourers, were charged before the Lord Mayor, on Satur- day, with stealin,g a large quantity of wine, the property of Messrs. Gilbey and Co. Mr. Gilbey deposed that he had some new buildings in course of erection, adjoining his cellar, and during the progress of the works he had missed a large quantity of wine ; he had lost at least sixty dozen of wine, half of which disappeared during the night of Thursday last ; a hole must have been made in the wall and bricked up again. Farr, a labourer em- ployed on the new buildings with the accused, observed them early on Fri- day morning week go to a heap of sand on the basement story of the new building, take out of it a large number of bottles, and place them in a large hamper with shavings ; they also put several of the bottles into two carpen- ters' baskets and a bag, putting in shavings with them. Allen saw the witness, and told him to go away, threatening to knock him down if he did not. Farr did not leave; Allen went up to him, and struck Farr so violently as to knock him down ; Farr then gave information to the police. The pri- soners were remanded for further evidence. • A constable on duty in Hyde Park discovered a deal box, about two feet long and seven inches deep; on its being opened, a body of an infant male child was discovered, with its head smashed, and marks of mutilation show- ing that it had been the subject of most atrocious brutality. A few minutes previous' two females, dressed in black cloaks and hoods, were seen near the spot ; they went in the direction' of Hyde Park Corner. The body was taken to St. George's Workhouse.
On Saturday, an inquest was held at Horselydown, on the body of Ann Clark, found drowned in the river. She committed suicide through exces- sive grief produeed by the death of her husband. William Holtman, her brother, identified the body. She was the widow of David Clark. She left home on the 22d of October, saying she was going to seek for needlework, to enable her to support her children. She was never seen again alive. The Jury returned a verdict of "temporary insanity."