,forrign nub (Culotta
f rail P.—The Emperor is to go to Compiegne for the bunting sea- son on the 20th. The Empress has left Paris for Scotland, on a visit to the Duchess of Hamilton. [Is this a mode of getting en invita- tion to Windsor Castle ? Scotland is not a very appropriate place for an invalid in delicate health, especially when that invalid is of a Southern race.] The Pope having called for Peter's Pence, M. Billault, the French Minister of the Interior, has placed a prohibition upon the proposed col- lection, issuing on the 10th a circular to the Prefects, setting forth the law and its will--
"The Government cannot tolerate this neglect of regulations which it has laid down, this violation of laws which it has resolved should be re- spected. I invite you consequently, M. le Prefect, to warn the organizers and the members of these Committees, if they have commenced to net in your department, that they must immediately dissolve, and you will inform them that if, notwithstanding this notice, they persist in their enterprises, they will expose themselves to the penalties decreed by the law. Individual donations to the Holy Father are and will remain free ; but as to associa- tions into the secret activity of which political intrigues under the veil of religion may very easily glide, their existence is unlawful until after the authorization of the Government, and that authorization has not been granted them."
Information from Paris, dated September 11, tells of the daily de- spatch of troops by the Lyons Railway to Marseilles. These troops are to proceed to Rome, to complete the war battalions of the regiments stationed there. All the men fit for service in the deptits of the regi- ments serving in the Papal States have already left for Italy. The Proyris de Lyons announces that the Minister of War has issued an order commanding that all soldiers on unlimited leave of abscnec must return home—that is, to the residence which they adopted when they quitted their regiment, where they will be more within the reach of the military authorities, either that their residence may be ascertained, or that they may be recalled to active service. The Minister of Marine has addressed a circular to the Maritime Pre- fects to announce to them that he has adopted a system of lighters for landing troops, and that henceforth a lighter on the new model must be
attached to every transport. The new lighter is composed of steel plates, and can be taken to pieces in ten parts, which fit into each other, so as to take up the least possible room on board the transport. Each lighter is capable of landing 300 men. When employed in landing artillery, each lighter can carry a rifled 4-pounder, its carriage, ammunition cart, six horses, and twelve men.
511111.—King Victor Emmanuel was to depart for Palermo on the 11th, but the cares of state seem to have kept him at Naples, for we have no intelligence of his departure. Garibaldi, however, has gone to the lonely island of Caprera. He took farewell of the King on the 9th, and sailed away. In his farewell to his companions in arms, he tells them that they must always hold themselves in readiness to follow him ; that a conflict is probable in March next ; and that Italy, in 1861, ought to have 1,000,000 of men under arms.
The wcrk of organizing the Government has gone on. Farini has been appointed Lieutenant-General. A council of lieutenancy has been named. The following is the list of members. Vintimiglia, Interior; Pisanelli, Justice ; Scialoja, Finance ; Poerio, Public Instruction ; ErAffiitto, Public Works De Vicenzi, Agriculture and Commerce. several councillors and Works; have also been appointed. Signor Deblasio has been appointed Prefect of Police. Admiral Persano has been entrusted with the management of the affairs of the Marine. A general council, with General La Marmora at its head, has been established for the organization of the Southern army.
It is stated that the King has talked of mobilizing 20,000 National Guards. Garibaldi has been appointed a General of the Army. Further details of the entrance of the King into Naples on the 7th have come to hand. He was accompanied by Garibaldi.
"On arriving at the Demo or the Cathedral, the Piazza of which was beautifully decorated, his Majesty was received by the authorities and con- ducted to the high altar amidst such a storm of shouts and applause as could only be compared to the storm which was raging outside. Viva Victor Emmanuel ! 'Viva Garibaldi ! " Viva Italia Unita!' Such were the cries which rose, not from one, but from a united body of many thou- sands, who waved their hats and handkerchiefs and flags, as the royal party advanced to the high altar. The King did not take his seat on the throne, but stood a little below it, and wiped—ay, even kings perspire—yes wiped his hands, and then his face, with his pocket-hand-kerchief ; and then looked round with that bold, undaunted aspect which indicated an iron nerve. Shortly after the ceremony began, and his Majesty knelt at the prie- Dien, whilst Garibaldi, the Pro-Dictators, Parini, and others stood behind him. After the To Deum, the royal party visited the treasury and the shape! of San Januarins, where the blood of the saint is kept. As soon as this ceremony was over they came down the aisle. The crowd around each was immense, though the soldiers-round the church on either side did all they could to keep the path open, but it was all of no use ; one of the poor- est of the poor laid hold of has sovereign's hand and walked with him ; and the people clung to Garibaldi and kissed and embraced him as a father, The Xing was dressed, let me say, as a General of Division, and Garibaldi in the same simple dress in which he had conquered the two Saclike and given away a kingdom."
Before he quitted Naples, Garibaldi took farewell of his comrades and looked after their interests. He distributed medals to 457 men, the rem- nant of the 800 with whom he invaded Sicily ! and he presented the Hungarian General Tiirr with two batteries of rifled cannon and 10,000 muskets. Tiirr, who has been one of the most distinguished officers of Garibaldi's army, has resigned. A correspondent of the Times describes some of the incidents at the distribution of the medals- " There is young Carini, an exile, and a journalist in Paris for some years ; his arm is still in a sling ; he was wounded in Palermo, 'and that man,' whispers Ripari bayonetted two Neapolitans ; ' and then another, without an arm is called, and then I hear the name of 'Marchetti!' There is a slight movement, and a child walks through the line. His father, a medical man and a Venetian, stands proud enough. How old is he ?' I ask. 'Only twelve years of age.' Garibaldi called him up, and placing his bands OD his little shoulders, kissed him." The medals were the gift of the municipality of Palermo, and they were fixed on the breasts of the heroes by the Duchess Verdure. From Gaeta, the news is that the siege works go on with great ac- tivity; that the French and English Admirals have advised the King to go ; that the Sardinians have captured a whole regiment outside the for- tress ; and that the King relies upon the skill of General Bosco. There were 13,000 in garrison at Gaeta.
The Roman official journal magnifies the number of Neapolitans who Red across the boundary for shelter from 16,000 to 30,000. A secret eonimittee has collected the votes of Rome on annexation.
A central committee in Venice has publicly warned the Venetians to look for the coming of Garibaldi-
" Brothers ! turn your eyes towards the Adriatic. When you shall see
d isplayed the tricolour, that blessed flag, Garibaldi will be near at hand, and he will soon after be among the children of 'Venice. In that case, wait for instructions from the committee before acting."
St lg i um.—The Belgian Chambers were opened on Tuesday, but Xing Leopold, unhappily, was not well enough to attend in person.
$1112h f a...—The Chamber of Nobles sent six rifled-cannons to Gari- baldi on the anniversary of the death of Gustavus Vasa, the Liberator of the North.
ri S.—The Government continues to publish decrees organizing the provinces, yet the information we receive points to the failure of these concessions to satisfy the people. An imperial decree cancels all written warnings remitted to the jour- nals up to the present time' thereby relieving them from the legal conse- quences of the same as sot forth in the press law.
Adsims from Pesth state that the opposition is getting general in Hungary against tho clauses of the imperial diploma which transfer the voting of the taxes and the recruiting of the army from the two Hun- garian Chambers to the superior council of the empire.
',laid f15.—Adviees from New York tell us that the Govern-
ment had administered a reprimand to General Harney for his boisterous emadnet in the Island of San Juan, and had fully confirmed afresh the measures taken by General Scott to preserve the peace pending the ne- gotiations for a settlement of the dispute between the two Governments.
ii.—The intelligence from Calcutta is to the 8th of October. use indigo quarrel is far from a settlement, and the Government did not seem disposed to do anything calculated to bring about a solution of the difficulty.
a' The Government of India and the Government of Bengal have both de- cided that matters must be left as they are. It spite of advice to the con- trary from the planters, who are of opinion that Mr. Grant's proclamations are always misunderstood by the ryots, a proclamation to this effect has been issued. It purports, indeed, to warn the ryots that unless they perform their contracts they will render themselves liable-to civil suits in the civil courts. To those who are acquainted with the delay and expense attendant upon these suits the warning seems little more than a mockery. In that -- light the ryots have regarded it ; they have not sown, and they have re- fused to perform their contracts. The case of the indigo planteis was never so desperate as DOW."
The Governor-General was to set oat on the 16th, on a tour in Oude and Central India.
Adviees from Calcutta say that "Sir Bartle Frere has brought in Mr. Wilson's currency scheme Intact." But some doubt, is felt as such a course is contrary to Sir Charles Wood's instructions that the principles of our currency-should be followed.
L—We have advices from Hongkong to the 26th of September, and from the head-quarters of the army on the Tien-tain.-ho to the 11th. The Government has published in the Gazette Lord Elgin's despatches, and the substance of those of Baron Gros have been made known. The history of the expedition between the 26th of August and the 11th of September is soon told. The Imperial Government sent Kweiliang and Hang-fah to Tien-tein as Commissioners, to negotiate a peace with the Allies. These two worthies gave out that they had full powers, and accordingly the sub- stance of our demands including an indemnity of 8,000,000 taels, 1,000,000 to be paid before Tien-tsin was evacuated, was at once placed before them. But when Mr. Parkes and Mr. Wade, Lord Elgin's secre- taries, saw Hang-la, the Assistant Commissioner, it turned out that the Commissioners had not full powers to conclude a treaty that should take effeet at once, in fact no powers at all. Thereupon Lord Elgin, with the concurrence of Baron Gros, broke off negotiations, and, resolving not to negotiate further until he had reached Tung-chow, he directed an imme- diate advance of the army. The troops set out on the 8th, and on the 10th they were forty-five miles from Pekin. Lord Elgin thus wrote to Lord John Russell on the 8th of September-
" In pursuance of an arrangement previously made, Messrs. Wade and
Parkes waited, by my desire, on the Imperial Commissioners on the 6th in- stant, with a draft of the convention, which, it was understood, was to have been signed on the 8th. The Commissioners, who had already been unoffi- cially apprized of its terms, made little objection to any portion of it, except the clause providing that of the total indemnity of 8,000,000 tees, declared to be due by China to Great Britain, 1,000,000 should be paid before Tien- tsin was evacuated by the British troops. After some conversatien, how- ever, in which they betrayed manifest signs of uneasiness, they announced to my secretaries that they could not stipulate that the convention should take effect without previous ratification, and that so far from being ready to sign it on the 8th instant, they could not do so at all until it had been sub- mitted to the Emperor for his approval.
"This intimation led to a discussion respecting the extent of the powers held by Kweiliang and his colleagues. "It is not very easy to apprehend the precise import of the phraseology employed in Imperial decrees on subjects of this nature. It was very ob- vious, however, from what passed during the course of this discussion, that Kweiliang either had not, or did not at this particular moment, wish it to be supposed that he had powers equal to those which he held when he made a treaty with me here in 1858 although in the first communication which I received from him, announcing his appointment, the title which he as- sumed and the language which he employed were aakulated to convey the opposite impression. It was impossible to attribute this departure from a precedent so re- cently established, and established in the person of Kweiliang himself, to anything but a deliberate design to create delay which might throw us into the winter, and thereby extricate the Pekin Government from its present embarrassments. To check this policy by an act of vigour was manifestly indispensable, unless we intended to forfeit all the advantages secured by our advance to this point ; and I accordingly resolved, with Baron Gros' con- currence, to intimate to the Imperial Commissioners that, in consequence of the want of good faith exhibited by them in assuming the title of pleni- potentiaries, when they could not exercise the authority which it implied, and of the delays which the alleged necessity of constant reference to Pekin would occasion, I had determined to proceed at once to Tung-chow, and to enter into no further communications with them until I should have reached that place.
. With the infelicity which so often characterizes the proceedings-of
Chinese negotiators in such cams, the Imperial Commissioners betrayed their want of candour in this matter on the day succeeding that on which Major-General Sir R. Napier reached this place with the 25 division of the force under Sir Hope Grant's command. The army was, therefore, in the best possible condition for a movement in advance, and I officially apprised the Commander-in-chief, who has been throughout fully cognisant of the course of the negotiations in which I have been engaged, of the cause of my desire to proceed to Tung-chow." The Times correspondent with the army, dating his letter from Yung- tsun; within forty-five miles of Pekin September 11, six a. m., gives the latest news—
"I take advantage of the courier who leaves this morning for Tien-tsin,
to add a short postscript to my letter of the 9th. We reached this place yesterday, after two days' march through frequent villages and over a flat alluvial plain covered with millet Soon after encamping here yes- terday we had a tremendous thunderstorm. For seven hours the rain de- scended in torrents, and soon converted the country into a swamp. The road was quite impracticable for artillery, and the order was given that we should not march this morning. However, it cleared up at eleven p.m., and now the sun has risen with every promise of fine weather, and a fresh breeze is blowing, which will soon dry the roads.
"A flag of truce has just come in, borne by two Mandarins of the fourth
class. They announce that the leading member of the war party, Tsai-wan, President of the Imperial Court of Punishment, and Mu-hyn, President of the Council of War, and a member of the clique which has of late directed the Government, are coming down to Tien-thin in order to treat. The order is given that we march at noon, which is the best answer to this an- nouncement. Tsai-wan and Mu-hyu will be met on the line of march, and informed that the Ambassadors refuse to treat before arriving at Tung- chow. Last night, during the storm, the drivers of the carts hired at Tien- tsin bolted with their horses. This was, no doubt, done by order of the Government, in hopes of delaying our march. The scheme will not suc- ceed. A number of junks have been seized and manned by sailors, and, as
the river runs up to Tung-chow, the baggage will be carried by water in- stead of by land." Lord Elgin followed the army on the 9th of September. It is re- ported that Sang-ko-lin-sin had rallied another army, and was posted under the walls of Pekin.
3Lf III Still &11.11.—We have advices to the middle of September from Taranaki and Auckland. It is stated that General Pratt, finding him- self hampered by restrictions placed by Governor Browne upon military operations, had obtained full powers. Returning to Taranaki he sent the women and children to Nelson, and sallied forth on the 10th of Sep- tember, at the head of 1500 men, to attack William King. On arriving at the pahs constructed by King they were found empty, but when the troops pressed on, they were met by a fire from the bush. One man was killed, and he was left with arms and accoutrements a prey to the Na- tives. An officer dropped his sword, and they also got that as a trophy. Two men were wounded. The troops fell back, the guns opened, a sus. tamed fire was kept up, but no attack was made. Then the troops re- tired. It is asserted that King's forces are much diminished ; part have gone "to plant their crops," and the Waekatoes have left him ; still he braves the troops. The General Assembly had met at Auckland, Mr. Featherstone lead- ing the Opposition in an attack upon the Governor and Government. This party favours King, and is supported byithe clergy. The Govern- ment has published documents in its defence.
The conference of the Natives near Auckland broke up in the middle of August, Governor Browne closing the proceedings with a speech and • presenting four staffs to as many chiefs, in the name of the Queen. The Conference is to meet again next year. Before they separated the Natives passed a string of resolutions. They pledge themselves not to do any- thing inconsistent with the sovereignty of the Queen ; they denounce the project of setting up a Maori King; they declare William King's conduct to be indefensible, since he provoked the quarrel, and they justify the cause taken by the Governor ; they thank the Governor for enabling them to meet, the Bishop for lending them a Hall of Assembly, and the Chief Commissioner of Lands, "their friend Mr. M`Lean," for his kindness.
Instralia.—The month ending August 25th, had, according to the Melbourne Argus, "been one of considerable excitement. It has given us to chronicle the return of Mr. Nicholson to office, the passage of the Land Bill through both Houses after stormy discussions to the last, an attempt by the mob to overawe Parliament, the passage of a bill for the protection of the Legislature, a large extension of the Volunteer move- ment, the swearing in of large bodies of special constables for the sup- pression of disorder in the city, and the prorogation of the first reformed Parliament of Victoria." The riot in the streets was a regularly or- ganized attempt intended to coerce the House. The mounted and foot police were forced to clear the streets in successive charges but they did not escape severe injuries from stones. The police were sufficient to re- store order.