[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—With reference to the letter in the Spectator of October 20th, in the village of East Quantoxhead, Somerset, midway between Bridgwater and Minehead, the village hall, which is democratically managed, contains two bathrooms with full-sized white enamelled • baths and a plentiful supply of hot water from a large " Ideal boiler which also heats radiators in the hall.
The normal population is about 140, increased in August to probably over 200. There is no demand for the baths except during the summer months, Saturday being the recOgnized day for them ; the number of baths used in the day would be about eight. Twenty-one baths on one day is the record. The charge for a hot bath to villagers in the parish is 2d., to villagers from neighbouring parishes 3d., and to visitors 6d. ; towels and soap are not provided. The charge for a cold bath, which can be had at any time, is to villagers ld., to visitors 2d. ; it is found that a cold bath is very seldom asked for. The village hall was opened for use in 1913.— 1 am, Sir, &c., Atxx. KtrrritELL.
Court House, East Quautoxhead, Bridgwater.
[We confess this is disappointing. There is still much educative work necessary before the " daily tub " or even the " weekly tub " comes into its own among large sections of the population. We must concentrate our efforts on the younger generation.—En. Spectator.]