17 NOVEMBER 1928, page 1

News Of The Week

rr HE speech which President Coolidge delivered to the American Legion last Sunday has been a shock to those Englishmen who have not been carefully noting the signs in America.......

When In Her Time America Annexed, Or Intervened In; The

Philippines, Cuba, Hayti, San Domingo, Panama, Nicaragua and elsewhere, . she did so either because events left her no alternative or because she had to keep order at her doors......

We Are Unable To Follow President Coolidge's Figures...

relative strength in cruisers of Great Britain and America. He said that if the existing programmes were carried out Great Britain would have sixty-eight - cruisers to America's......

Mr. Coolidge's Figures Of America's Financial Sacrifice...

also puzzle us. He said that America had spent £20,000,000,000. No doubt such a sum is accurate in some sense or Mr. Coolidge would not have quoted it, but we are left wondering......

Not That Such Figures Cause Any Alarm In-great Britain: The

idea of competitive building has simply passed out of the public mind here. It is generally felt that naval competition is the one way of heightening the risks of war and that......

Editorial And Pitrldming Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...

London, W.C. 2. — A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The......