The appearance of the first part of the fortnightly publica-
tion, .1 See All, a pictorial encyclopedia edited by Mr. Arthur Mee, is indeed an event in the world of journalism. I See AU is the first pictorial encyclopedia in the world. In this first part, published by the Amalgamated Press (1s. 6d.) we have an alphabetical dictionary, beginning with the history of the letter " A " and ending with a picture of a coin called an Angel," on which is inscribed a picture of an angel, re- sembling St. George, with his spear in the mouth of a dragon. How many of us have ever heard of this English gold coin " of the value of 6s. 8d., first struck in 1465, and last by Charles I in 1634 " ? But the information contained in this sixty-page book is enormous. It will be impossible to look through its pages too often. We can learn about accumulators, aeroplanes (there are two pages of pictures showing different types), Abelard and amber. Children and grown-ups will enjoy it equally. * * * *