THE BISHOP'S WIFE. By RobertNathan. (Gollancz. 6s.) ,--This is a
tender little fantasy, perhaps slightly lacking in :definition. The harasserIbishOp says_ that only an abgel could ;serve him as his archdeacon ; and a passing seraph takes him at his word. But his fair young wife, Julia, whom he hair. forced-to consider'ilifthlk kiVe as Sinful, so that she lives sad at heart, adoring her little girl, is caught back to her old dreams by the angel's sudden kiss of fire and honey. Yet their substances cannot mingle, so,, having convinced her of the beauty ,Of.passion, he vanishes. Perhaps the angel hesitatiss too much on the brirder of being an Anatole France angel ; but the freakish story is written with quiet humour and charm. Julia is gently touched ; and the picture of her playing with her delightful child on the Mall of the old Cathe- dral tower has a haunting innocence and wistfulness.